
The fight for rest breaks in the 2019 Session has begun

With your help, we will elect a pro-nurse legislature and we will pass the rest breaks bill next session.
Pac Letter Ingrid
Ingrid Anderson, RN

Thank you for asking your legislators to pass HB 1715, which would give nurses uninterrupted meal and rest breaks, during the 2018 legislative session. We were so close to passing this bill — help us take the next step to pass this bill in the 2019 session by making a contribution to the WSNA-PAC to help elect candidates who are pro-patient safety and pro-nurse. You can easily donate online.

As a member of the WSNA-PAC Board, I joined other board members (all nurses who volunteer to serve in this role!) to personally interview more than 35 candidates this spring. During these interviews, we had the opportunity to share our experiences working without meal and rest breaks. Then we listened to the candidates, answered their questions and ensured that they left our interview with a solid understanding of why nurses need uninterrupted breaks.

The good news? They get it. If a candidate receives an endorsement from WSNA-PAC, it is because they have made an unequivocal commitment to supporting our efforts to achieve uninterrupted meal and rest breaks in the 2019 Legislative Session.

And we want to support that. At WSNA, no dues money goes toward political contributions. So we need your help. Please give $100, $50, $25 or even $5 to support candidates who support nurses. When you donate, you can even select to make a recurring contribution each month.

Additionally, I hope you will help with our efforts to get out the vote this fall. We have opportunities to reach out to other WSNA nurses in districts where pro-nurse candidates face tight races. We need nurses to:

  • write postcards reminding other WSNA members to vote;
  • doorbell in key districts; and,
  • participate in phone banks to get out the vote!

With your help, we will elect a pro-nurse legislature and we will pass the rest breaks bill next session.

Thank you.