Get Out the Vote by November 6
October 11, 2018 • 1 minute, 14 seconds to read
October 19
General election ballots are mailed to registered voters.
October 29
Last day for in-person registration in order to vote in the general election.
November 6
General election.

This year’s primary election saw increased voter turnout across Washington state.
Now, it’s time to Get Out the Vote for a pro-nurse legislature!
With a couple weeks until the general election, there is still time to help candidates near you. In the days prior to the Election, it is important that voters who have not yet turned in their ballots receive phone calls and at-the-door contacts reminding them to cast their vote.
A quick search online can help you determine your legislative district, and the list of WSNA-PAC endorsed candidates can give you an idea of which local campaigns can use your help. To connect with your local candidates, simply search for their campaigns online (e.g., “Emily Randall for Senate”) and then give them a call. Campaigns are always appreciative of volunteers – especially in the final days of the election. Coordinate with a friend or colleague and go Get Out the Vote!
Most campaigns have two ways to volunteer:
Phone banking
Call other voters in your district and remind them to turn in their ballot!
Join other nurses and “walk turf” in your area. The campaign will give you a map and list of households to visit in a local precinct. You can have a huge impact by talking with voters at their door – nurses are the most trusted profession and voters appreciate hearing from you in person about WSNA-PAC endorsed candidates.
There truly is so much at stake in the 2018 elections. Now more than ever, we need nurses to help Get Out the Vote for uninterrupted meal and rest breaks, for closing the mandatory overtime loophole, for a reduction in workplace violence, for more accountability and transparency from health insurance companies, and for more support for people in our communities battling opioid addiction.
Let’s Get Out the Vote and elect a pro-nurse legislature!