
UWMC RNs take action now

We need your assistance STAT. Your UWMC Negotiating Team is pushing forward to get a contract with the things that you have asked for: fair wages, safe staffing and union security

Dear UWMC RNs,

We need your assistance STAT. Your UWMC Negotiating Team is pushing forward to get a contract with the things that you have asked for: fair wages, safe staffing and union security. The Team needs your support!

Please send an email to the nurses across the negotiation table. These managers and administrators are representing UWMC in our current negotiations. Urge them to stand behind the staff RNs at UWMC. Clicking on the link will open an email message already filled in with a message and email addresses for Grace Parker, Carla Brannen, Leslie Hampton, Dorthea McMahon, and Christine Sampson (plus bcc WSNA). You just need to sign your name.

Be sure you are on your meal or rest break if you are sending this email from work.

Send your email now and encourage your colleagues to do the same. The link may be copied to social media to share with your UWMC colleagues.

Also find the link on our the UWMC RN facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/UWMCnurses.