
General Assembly

WSNA's primary governing body

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General Assembly serves as the primary governing body of the Washington State Nurses Association, convening every two years during WSNA's Washington State Nurses Convention. This assembly provides a democratic platform where members can actively influence the association’s direction and policies.

Key features of General Assembly:

  • Democratic governance: General Assembly allows members to participate in decision-making processes, including voting on amendments to the bylaws and on resolutions that define the association’s priorities for the upcoming biennium.
  • Member participation: All WSNA members are eligible to attend and contribute, ensuring diverse voices are heard in shaping the direction of the Association.
  • Frequency: General Assembly is held every two years in conjunction with the WSNA Convention, providing a regular opportunity for members to directly engage in governance.
  • Impact on leadership: Decisions made during General Assembly significantly shape WSNA's strategic planning, governance, and legislative agenda.

 For more detailed information about General Assembly and its functions, see leadership and governance.