Urgent meeting!
Posted Feb 6, 2025
Changes to Gender Affirming Care services at SCH - Thank you for speaking up! We hear you loud and clear.
WSNA has been made aware of potential changes in working conditions related to the Seattle Children’s Hospital Gender Affirming Care service line. A letter and Request for Information (RFI) has been sent to Senior Vice President and Chief Nursing Officer, Bonnie Fryzlewicz, demanding clear and transparent information. As of this morning, SCH has responded by acknowledging receipt of the letter and RFI and committed to providing information.
On February 11, we are holding a virtual meeting to discuss what is going on and to develop a plan for strategic action. Your input is valuable and needed. Please mark your calendar for February 11 from 5 to 7 pm. Feel free to drop in at any point. Come talk with your Local Unit Officers, your WSNA Nurse Rep and WSNA Organizer.
Meeting ID: 259 189 458 917
We are aware that members wish to take action related to the decisions that have been made by SCH leadership and that have been announced in the media. WSNA sees this issue as a top priority and will obtain clear information that will help inform next steps. Just a reminder, per the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA):
It is recognized that the Employer is engaged in a public service requiring continuous operation and it is agreed that recognition of such obligation of continuous service is imposed upon both the nurse and the Association. During the term of this Agreement, neither the Association nor its members, agents, representatives, employees or persons acting in concert with them shall incite, encourage or participate in any strike, picketing, walkout, slowdown or other work stoppage of any nature whatsoever. In the event of any strike, picketing, walkout, slowdown or work stoppage, or a threat thereof, the Association and its officers will do everything within their power to end or avert same. Any nurse participating in any strike, picketing, walkout, slowdown or work stoppage will be subject to immediate dismissal.
Bargaining is right around the corner. Your negotiation survey provides you with an opportunity to alert your WSNA bargaining team about priorities and to give important feedback. Take a moment to complete your survey and communicate your concerns.
In solidarity,
Your Local Unit Officers
WSNA at Seattle Children's Hospital
Questions? Don’t hesitate to contact your Local Unit Officers or WSNA Nurse Representative, Linda Burbank, at lburbank@wsna.org