News you can use!
Posted Nov 12, 2024
Do you recognize this board?
Your WSNA unit boards have received a makeover. Do you know where to find your board? If not, check the nearest locker room or break room. You will find copies of your contract, your local officer contact and committee sheet, most recent newsletter, and much more! Check out this before and after from the 5th floor.
Recent Grievance Wins
Your local grievance officer Tristan Twohig has been assiduous in ensuring your contract rights and benefits are upheld. He has settled multiple disciplinary grievances for favorable terms to the affected nurses by holding management accountable to the tenants of Just Cause while maintaining our ability to collaborate with administration and have challenging conversations. Other recent grievance wins include
- A nurse being made whole for missing double time for hours over 100 worked. WSNA has learned that work over 100 hours is NOT automatically coded by Kronos for double time. This bargained benefit must be manually added by your manager.
- A nurse’s discipline was removed for failing to complete mandatory education online that they completed in person. The Employer issued discipline saying the nurse never attended Skill’s fair when the nurse had a certificate in HealthStream
- Due to WSNA intervention and advocacy, a nurse received 12 hours of pay after being placed on mandatory low census while the Employer retained a traveler
A reminder to all nurses
You must have an active RN license to practice and be on schedule. If you’re coming up on your birthday, please, renew your license and verify the payment went through. Additionally, a reminder that HIPAA violations are taken seriously by the Employer- if you don’t have a need to be in a chart- don’t be in it. EPIC tracks every move and click of the mouse in a chart including time spent down to the second. Practice safely!
Did you attend a Skills fair recently?
We have heard nurses say that education hours don’t count towards overtime or don’t count towards the rest between shift premiums. Article 8.4 of your CBA states the following “Nurses who are required to attend Hospital mandated in-services shall be entitled to count such time in the calculation of time off between shifts, only if there are no alternative days and times that nurses may attend the in-service which would not count towards the calculation of time-off between shifts.”. If you have been denied overtime for mandatory education like skills fair, contact your grievance officer Tristan Twohig or WSNA Nurse Representative Alle Machorro.
Are you a supplemental nurse?
WSNA is interested in hearing from supplemental nurses, both at the 16% and 18% premium level, about how their availability is utilized with posted schedules. We have received several reports of inconsistent application of supplemental nurse’s scheduling on units for supplemental scheduling and would like to know what your experience has been. If you have any questions about supplemental scheduling practice –or if you have ever been called into work when you were marked “available”. Please contact your WSNA Nurse Rep Alle Machorro to set up a time to talk.
Looking to get more involved? Check out these opportunities!
Join us for our Holy Family Nurses Community Service Event
We are looking for 4 WSNA nurses to volunteer to help with Tom’s Turkey Drive. We have 4 openings on November 25, 2024, from 8a-10a at Sun City Church in Spokane Valley. This service event will include passing out turkeys and meal boxes. This is outside, dress warmly, with mild heavy lifting (turkeys aren’t light). Sign up here or scan our QR code to get signed up!
Join a committee- we have openings!
Nurse Practice Committee-
meets quarterly for one hour on Teams, paid time. Tackle practice issues affecting your nursing practice. We strive to have one nurse from each unit, so all areas are represented. Reach out to your membership officer Emily Troyer at if you are interested.
Hospital Staffing Committee-
meets monthly for a one-hour prep session and a one-hour meeting, all paid time. Non co-chair positions are one-year commitments and begin in January. Be a part of a dynamic committee that reviews every single staffing complaint submitted. This mutual committee is our nurse’s strongest opportunity to have influence in decisions that directly impact staffing at Holy Family Hospital. Nurses sit across the table from administration and work to resolve issues like broken equipment, meals & rest periods, implementation of co-caring nursing, short staffing, mandatory OT and so much more. Come be a part of this amazing committee. Interested or have questions? Reach out to your direct care nursing staff co-chair, Tristan Twohig, at
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Become a Local Unit Liaison today
Liaisons serve as vital links between nurses on the floor, local unit officers, and WSNA, helping to ensure that staff voices are consistently represented and heard. They play an important role in gathering feedback, sharing updates, and strengthening communication throughout the unit. With specialized training, Liaisons develop skills in union communication and advocacy, making this role a valuable opportunity for personal and professional growth. For those passionate about representing their peers, this role is a unique chance to build essential advocacy skills, deepen involvement with WSNA, and expand their knowledge of union operations. Serving as a Liaison not only enhances communication across the unit but also opens doors to further education and leadership opportunities, making it a rewarding step in any nurse’s career. Rae Crownhart and Erinn Gordon pictured above are liaisons from the 3rd floor and ER.
Join our closed Facebook group! Reach out to your local officers or to your WSNA Nurse Rep to get the group information.
Questions or want to get involved? Contact your WSNA Nurse Representative Alle Machorro at