
Good Sam WSNA News

Take a Break(fast) With Your Officers!

On February 6 from 0730-1030, enjoy a FREE drink + treat with your WSNA officers at the Starbucks by the fairgrounds, located at 909 S Meridian, Puyallup, WA 98371. Grab a treat and join us to talk about the issues happening on your unit and what you want to see in our next contract. Come for the free coffee, stay to help hold MultiCare accountable! Kiddos and family members are welcome.

Communications Chair and Unit Reps Wanted

Are you a social media whiz? Do you want to help get the word out to nurses at Good Sam about what’s happening? Consider becoming a Communications Chair! This role has a time commitment of 1-2 hours a month involving posting on social media, helping send out messages on Hustle text software, and keeping your coworkers in the loop about upcoming union actions.

Additionally, we need to ramp up our list of union unit reps. You are the ones to help keep your unit informed of union actions; update the union boards; point people in the right direction to find the contract and union leadership; and let union leaders know the issues on your units.

Reach out to Nurse Rep Janet at jstewart@wsna.org if you’re interested in this role!

Blue Fridays - Show Your Union Spirit

Continue showing your union spirit by wearing your WSNA blue T-Shirts on Fridays. If you don't work Fridays, then wear them on a different day. Take a photo and post on our Facebook group or our Instagram, @gshnurses. If you need a shirt, contact Ilia Mondoy at mondoyit@gmail.com.

Break Nurse Grievance Update

MultiCare Good Samaritan violated the contract by pausing the break nurse plan, resulting in a lack of adequate break coverage over the past several months, forcing nurses to rely heavily on break buddies in order to receive their meal and rest breaks. Per the contract, break buddies are not to be used more than 20% of the time.

This grievance is on its way to arbitration. An arbitrator has been selected, and we are in the process of finding a mutually agreeable date for the hearing.

Thank you for submitting your break related ADOs. Keep them coming.  wsna.org/ado.

Your Good Samaritan Officers,

Ilia Mondoy, Raeli Korzeniecki, Mindy Thornton, Aaron Bradley, Atalia Lapkin

WSNA Organizer Grace LaMonte GLamonte@wsna.org

WSNA Nurse Rep Janet Stewart Jstewart@wsna.org