
Bargaining update - sessions 10 and 11

Grays Poster 1 31 2025

We negotiated for Sessions 10 and 11 on January 30 and 31.

Thanks for the amazing posters stating your negotiations priorities.  We posted them on the wall facing Management so they could read them during our joint sessions.  Thanks Shauna for attending both days as a supporter.

We had several exchanges on Economics. We’re finally getting closer to an agreement on competitive wages. But management continues to reject other economic proposals such as improvements to health benefits and retirement. We did reach agreement to increase the evening shift differential to $3.00.

We proposed to allow nurses to use PTO in place of sick leave when their WA sick leave runs out. Management has proposed that nurses must use PTO for sick leave to fulfil your FTE. We propose that it be optional, not mandatory. Mandatory use of sick leave for PTO may result in you not having enough PTO when it comes time for a scheduled vacation. On top of this, management has proposed that a nurse’s scheduled vacation will be cancelled if they have insufficient PTO when it comes time for their vacation to begin. We have countered with language to allow you to take a portion of your scheduled vacation as unpaid leave if this should occur.

For per diem nurses, we are fighting to increase the pay in lieu of benefits from 10 to 15%. We are being met with resistance, though our ask is competitive with Summit. Management has proposed increasing the per diem requirements from 2 days a month to 3.

Join us as a Supporter at our upcoming sessions on February 12, 18 & 20. You may join us between 09:00 to 09:45 in Conference Room A while we prepare to begin negotiating with hospital management at 10:00 a.m. Lunch will be provided.

PTO Donations for the Bargaining Team

As the union officers continue to negotiate on unpaid time, we'd like to invite you to donate PTO to the bargaining team. Any amount big or small is helpful and appreciated. The PTO donation form can be found on the local unit web page or by using the link below.

Show your Team Spirit

Wear your "I Support My Bargaining Team" Stickers on February 12, 18 and 20. They are on the union bulletin boards.

Your bargaining team,
Ryan Housden – ED
Jason Kindle – OPS
Jennifer Reynolds – CCU
Kim Scott – CCU
Kala Winter – Informatics
Michelle Phillips - OPS

Contact information:  https://www.wsna.org/union/grays-harbor-community-hospital

Questions? Contact WSNA Nurse Representative Janet Stewart jstewart@wsna.org (temporarily filling in for Stephenie Troftgruben).