More on Tentative Agreement and Vote!
Posted Jan 31, 2020
Implementation of the contract by March 31, 2020 ensures our ability to fully represent the nurses and enforce the contract. Some nurses have asked why we should enter into an agreement as opposed to simply letting the current contract lapse. At the expiration of the “Evergreen year” on March 31, 2020, certain protections will no longer be in effect. Most importantly, we will not have access to the grievance-arbitration system. This means that there will be no way to police violations of the contract or to grieve unjust discipline. In this tumultuous period, it is more important than ever to be able to enforce our contractual rights.
The Ratification Vote will take place on Tuesday, Feb. 4.
Where: Boardroom (across from HR offices)
Times: 6 - 9 a.m.; noon - 5 p.m.; and 6 - 9 p.m.
(Note: You must be a member in good standing to vote.)
In Solidarity!
Gwen Parrick, Local Unit Chair, Quality; Jeremy Aaron, Local Unit Grievance Officer, Home Hospice; Ann Bell, Primary Care Cabot Dr., Bonita Garcia, PACU; Dori Painter, ED; Jessica Shaffer LU Secretary, ED; Mary Meek, Home Health; Luka MacKay, Home Hospice; Lucylyn Sinette, ED; Sarah-Lyn Clark, Surgery; Michael Aube, OR