
Strengthen our local unit, be an officer!

We desperately need your help. In order to strengthen our local unit we need you to step up and become a local unit officer. Being a local unit officer is not hard, nor is it particularly time consuming and there is training. Being a local unit officer can be an advantage because it will increase your working knowledge of our Employer/WSNA contract. When we know our contract, we become acutely aware of proposed changes or issues that might conflict with what our contract affords us.

If you still have the nomination form that WSNA sent to you previously, please complete and return it to WSNA. If you no longer have the form, email or call WSNA Nurse Representative Michele Rose with your nominations. Michele needs this information right away so elections can be held. If you have any questions about being a local unit officer, please speak with either of us or contact Michele Rose, WSNA Nurse Representative at 1 (206) 575-7979, ext. 3012 or mrose@wsna.org.

In Solidarity,

Karen Bryan, LU Chair
Lou Atencio, LU Grievance Officer