
Negotiation update days 9 and 10

We ended both sessions this week with some wins. While management had proposed to lengthen the grievance process, to pad the time it would take for them to provide a response to a remedy, those proposals were fought off by your team. A TA (Tentative Agreement) was reached on the language by the end of the two days to include language that holds management accountable to comply with timelines, as well as newly incorporated timelines for the parties to meet and discuss an issue. This is a WIN because there are no longer vague ways for management to stall the process should a nurse be harmed.

The topic of relief nurses took a large portion of the discussions with a new framework for the relief RNs being a continuous part of the discussions. We have yet to reach a final agreement on what the scheduling process may look like, however, aside from scheduling needs, we remain apart on premiums. Management continues to insist relief RNs would be paid a flat dollar rate in addition to their base wage, and WSNA holds firm on insisting it be a percentage. We don’t understand how Providence can offer a percentage to their supplemental RNs (same as relief) elsewhere at Sacred Heart and Holy Family but not here.

Safety remains at the forefront. Your negotiating team of nurses emphasized the importance of creating a safe and supportive working environment and continued to push on management to provide a security guard. We were disappointed not much movement was made in this area, despite our efforts to articulate the importance. Management does not see it the same as we do.

In addition to these pressing issues, the negotiating team also focused on improving fair wages, proposing 14.75% in the first year, 4.5% in the second year, and 4.5% in the third year. Providence countered with a 7% market adjustment in the first year, 3% as of Oct 1, 2025, and 3% after Oct 1, 2026. This is not enough. To close the gap between the wage discrepancies between competing area hospitals, Providence must do better. We are not done pushing for more wages for our valuable nurses.

As the discussions progress, the team remains optimistic and determined to reach an agreement that reflects the needs and values of the PVNA nurses whose commitment to providing care to their patients.

There’s Always an ASK! Here’s YOUR Task!

  1. Make sure you are receiving WSNA updates via email AND text. If you are not getting WSNA emails, send an email to your Nurse Rep, Kitt Ruchert at kruchert@wsna.org
  2. Letters in the field are always welcome! Have a safety event you would like us to share at the negotiating table? To help further our argument of safety? Send to your Nurse Rep!
  3. Wear your WSNA buttons while at work, and/or WSNA t-shirt! Let’s show Providence each day, we are ONE.

Next days to bargain are Dec 5 and Dec 18. Both are virtual sessions. Look for an update to come after this!

Announcing your new Nurse Rep!

WSNA Welcomes SHMC’s New Nurse Rep! Katerina “Kitt” Ruchert BSN, RN CNRN, CCRN, SCRN

Kitt Ruchert2

“Hi everyone, I am excited to be part of your team. I have worked in several different clinical areas throughout hospitals for the last 27 years, but have also worked in Outpatient Surgical Clinics, Long-Term, and taught nursing clinicals at Yakima Valley College.  I have had the pleasure of meeting some of you and look forward to meeting the rest of you soon!”

Jaclyn Smedley Nurse Representative has moved up to a leadership position within WSNA and would like to personally thank the nurses of VNA for a wonderful 5 years of collaboration!

Questions about this newsletter or other matters? Contact WSNA Nurse Representative Kitt Ruchert at kruchert@wsna.org