
Information about class action lawsuit

You may have recently received information regarding a pending class and collective action lawsuit, the Androckitis v. Virginia Mason Medical Center case. You should review the information thoroughly.

Unless you are planning to file your own lawsuit concerning the same issues, there is no reason to choose to be excluded from the case.

Please note that WSNA is not a party or otherwise involved in that case.

The lawsuit seeks to vindicate your rights under state and federal law. While WSNA is not involved in the case, WSNA does not oppose it.

Note that if you do NOT want to be part of this lawsuit, you must opt-out by submitting a Request to be Excluded From the Class no later than September 25, 2021.

For more complete details on the case and your options, please review the notice you received from the class counsel or contact:

Schroeter Goldmark & Bender

Attn: Mary Dardeau, a paralegal for Adam Berger and Jamal Whitehead

401 Union Street, Suite 3400

Seattle, Washington 98101

Telephone: 206-233-1257 or 800-809-2234

E-Mail: dardeau@sgb-law.com

If you have questions about this message, please contact WSNA Nurse Representative Michelle Moore at mmoore@wsna.org.