You’re invited to dinner!
Posted Sep 13, 2024
Pullman nurses please join us in Spokane on Tuesday, October 15, from 5:30-8:30 pm at The Spokane Club for our Legislative Dinner. Mingle and enjoy a plated dinner seated with the legislative candidates from your legislative district on the November ballot. This is your opportunity to speak directly to legislative candidates from your legislative district (without having to travel to Olympia). At a table with other nurses, you will be able to share with candidates your frustrations, challenges and commitment to excellent nursing care. In return you will be able to hear the candidates’ proposed policy changes directed at overcoming your identified barriers to providing high quality nursing care.
Your regional nurses’ association, Inland Empire Nurses Association (IENA), is hosting this opportunity and has invited representatives and candidates from District 9- Whitman County. This event is open to all IENA/WSNA members at no cost, but seats are limited to 100 nurses.

Questions/ Concerns : Contact Alle Machorro, WSNA Nurse Représentative,