
We met with UWMC administration for the tenth session on Dec. 19

This was the second session that was assisted by a PERC mediator.

We exchanged dialogue on the outstanding issues which include:

  • Attaining appropriate hourly pay for Per Diem RNs that is in alignment with their hours worked at UWMC
  • Fair and consistent discipline and discharge practices for the Per Diem RNs
  • Ensuring that Per Diem RNs are not forced to work more hours for the same pay
  • Per Diem Premium in lieu of benefits

We ask all Per Diem RNs to look at your pay stub to determine whether you are receiving your 6% Per Diem Premium that would be denoted as “Recruitment and Retention Premium Hourly.”

If you are not, please contact Ed Zercher at ezercher@wsna.org so that we can figure out why that might be.

Our next date will continue to include the PERC mediator and will take place on Feb. 22, 2019.

In Unity,

Your WSNA Team of Registered Nurses:

Anita Stull, RN - 7N, Teresa Wren, RN - MIC, Miko Robertson, RN - Translational Research Unit, Trish Nilsen, RN - MIC, Harry James, RN - OR, Ed Zercher, RN - WSNA Nurse Representative and Dave Campbell, WSNA Attorney