UWMC Montlake Summer Update
Posted Jun 23, 2023
Raises are coming
July 1 is right around the corner!
Pay attention to your paychecks after the first full pay period in July of this year. July 1 marks the date upon which all WSNA RNs at UWMC will start receiving a 9% raise.
This 9% raise reflects a combination of a 5% Recruitment and Retention wage increase (found in MOU towards end of contract) coupled with a negotiated 4% annual raise.
This 9% total raise in wages is well deserved and long overdue.
Your WSNA team of your registered nurse colleagues fought long and hard to achieve these raises for every RN working at UWMC in an RN2 and RN3 position at both Montlake and Northwest.
You have earned it!
Upcoming Coffee Sip and Chat for Eves/Nights
On Wednesday, July 28, your WSNA nurse representative along with WSNA at Montlake local unit officers will be at the 3rd floor lobby espresso from 9 to 11 p.m. to offer free coffees from the Café for WSNA RNs.
Show up and say hi, get a free coffee and ask any questions you may have.
Thanks for all you do!
Another successful Coffee Sip and Chat at Montlake
On Tuesday, June 13, your WSNA local unit officers and WSNA nurse representatives and organizers were available in the cafeteria for RNs to stop by, grab a free coffee and chat about anything work related. We had over 140 RNs show up for the 4-hour event. Thank you WSNA local unit officers for hosting this event!
Our Celebration Dinner event was a smashing success!
May 3 turned out well over 100 attendees from both UWMC Montlake and Northwest for a joint celebration event at Old Stove Brewing Ship Canal. RNs brought family and pets to this celebration event for an opportunity to celebrate our contract victories along with a recognition of Nurses Week.
RNs at UWMC Montlake and Northwest have endured years of hardship through the ever-changing landscape of the pandemic and WSNA wanted to acknowledge those sacrifices.
RNs from both Montlake and Northwest showed up and won some magnificent raffle prizes along the way.
Allison Garcia UWMC NW- $100 Amazon gift card
Alanna Chan UWMC NW- $100 Amazon gift card
Janell Christianson UWMC NW - $100 Amazon gift card
Julia Chen UWMC ML - $100 Best Buy gift card
Lauren Persha UWMC ML - $100 Home Depot - gift card
Shannon Hindman UWMC ML - $100 Amazon gift card
WSNA Convention Brings Together Hundreds of RNs from around Washington
With top tier speakers and interactive break-out sessions, RNs from around Washington spent three days in Tacoma taking relevant health care information and sharing successes and challenges.
With over 15 continuing education hours made available, RNs spent several days learning about the rapidly changing face of health care and used the opportunity to network with RNs from throughout Washington. The venue of the Tacoma Marriott coupled with some amazing food and guest speakers made the event a huge success.

Thanks again for all you do in advocating for your patients and your colleagues as a WNSA member!
Your WSNA RN officers at UWMC Montlake:
Teresa Wren L&D- Co Chair twren@hotmail.com
Chris Jakubowski Cardiac Services-Chair chrisjakubowski@comcast.net
Doug Harper NICU-Treasurer douglasharper@me.com
Jan Bower O.R.- Grievance Officer lyubabower@gmail.com
Charles James PACU-Grievance Officer chuckj@msn.com
Edward Zercher WSNA Nurse Representative ezercher@wsna.org