
UWMC Montlake Summer 2024 Newsletter

Local unit dinner happening soon

Your local unit RN leaders from both Montlake and Northwest will be hosting a WSNA update meeting and Happy Hour.

This will take place at Old Stove Brewing Ship Canal located at 600 W. Nickerson St. North Queen Anne.

This event will have multiple giveaways and catch you up on all of the latest happenings at UWMC Montlake and NW.

This is available to all WSNA Members.  A food Truck will be on site to provide a free meal for all WSNA RNs from Montlake and Northwest.

Our last event here brought in over 100 RNs and their families.  Don’t forget to mark your calendars and be sure to get involved!  See ya there!

This event will take place in June…. date and time to be determined.

Coffee Sip and Chats are back!

Come and enjoy a free drink compliment of your WSNA local unit officers.   Your WSNA Nurse Representative Ed Zercher and Organizer Zach Seikel will be on hand as well as your WSNA local unit officers to address any issues you may have.

Night Shift: Monday May 20 from 9-11pm at the Lobby Espresso

Day Shift: Wednesday May 22 from 1-2:45pm at the Cafeteria Espresso Cart

We will also be handing out your Nurses Week gifts as well! Show up and bring an RN colleague with you.

Don’t believe the hype!

The so-called Freedom Foundation is back at it in their union busting efforts!  Most of you have now seen several emails from the Freedom Foundation with the heading of “Opt Out Today”.  These emails are aimed at dismantling unions and interfering with your ability to have a voice at the table.  
The problem is that these are all a ploy to weaken worker voices and strengthen an employer’s ability to do what they want, when they want, without strong employee representation through a collective voice.

If you receive these emails, please block them within your email system and encourage your RN colleagues to do the same.

The only way that WSNA can continue to achieve significant wage increases along with safer working conditions is through a strong and active membership.

Join your almost 2000 RN colleagues today to let the Freedom Foundation know that you’re not buying into their manipulative tactics.

Support your union colleagues with UAW

The bargaining unit of UAW 4121 representing academic student employees (ASEs) have been bargaining in good faith for some time and are running into some significant barriers in being able to reach an agreement with the employer for a successor contract.  They have taken a successful strike vote after not being able to come to agreement on wages, seen proposals for declining benefits and have been denied workload protections.  A tentative strike is set to begin very soon in the event they do not reach a tentative agreement.

WSNA supports UAW and ASEs receiving a strong and fair contract.   A setback for one group at UWMC is a setback for all groups.

If you have questions about how you can support this group, please contact Nurse Representative Ed Zercher at ezercher@wsna.org.

Your WSNA Local Unit Officers

Questions? Contact WSNA Nurse Representative Ed Zercher at ezercher@wsna.org or WSNA Organizer Zachery Seikel at zseikel@wsna.org.