Our contract is online!
Posted Feb 10, 2020
UWMC contract is now online!
Our WSNA/UWMC Montlake contract is online. You can view or download the contract at any time.
Per Diem Inclusion
Newly added to your WSNA contract: Qualified Per Diem RNs (Those working more than 350 hours/year) will now be covered by the WSNA Collective Bargaining Agreement. The terms of their inclusion can be found in the Transition Agreement
All Classified RNs are now eligible for a FREE UPASS. This is something we fought long and hard for. WSNA and our Coalition Unions would like to see this benefit extended to all UWMC staff in the upcoming year. With parking rates on the rise, the UPASS is a better option than ever!
Vacation accrual changes
WSNA worked to ensure that RNs at UWMC receive the vacation you deserve. Here is the modified Vacation schedule for 2020 and an even more generous vacation accrual scale starting in July of 2021

Remember that you have a personal holiday that you should consider using prior to vacation. This is a “use it or lose it” benefit that you don’t want to endanger by waiting until the end of the year to try and use it.
Look for a wage increase of 2% starting July 1 of this year.
On January 1, the integration with UWMC NW Hospital went live linking UW NW RNs to UW benefits and other mandated state employee related changes. Let’s welcome these RNs into the UWMC system!
Questions? Contact WSNA Nurse Representative Ed Zercher at ezercher@wsna.org.
Upcoming WSNA Sponsored Events:
WSNA Leadership Conference in Chelan, March 29 to 31 . Free registration.
Are you a WSNA dues-paying member? Here's a perk: you can be reimbursed for hotel and mileage for Leadership Conference. Spots are limited, so contact your representatives soon!
If you’re interested, please contact Teresa Wren at twren5@hotmail.com