Newsletter - February 2021
Posted Feb 9, 2021
Just In! Incentive Shift Bonus Now in effect through the end of May!
To meet staffing needs in addition to maintaining morale during these difficult times, WSNA has just reached an agreement with UWMC for RNs at Montlake for Pay Incentives for Extra Shifts (ESI: Extra Shift Incentive). WSNA introduced this premium to the employer on Jan. 15 and reached an agreement into the evening of Monday Feb. 8.
You can view or download the final Memorandum Of Understanding on the local unit web page at
The need for such an incentive shift will be determined by the employer and offered as needed. These will be granted on a first come, first served basis.
Pay incentives per qualifying shift will be as follows: $200 for an 8-hour shift, $250 for a 10-hour shift and $300 for a 12 hour shift. This pay is in addition to all compensation contained in the CBA (e.g., shift differential, weekend premium etc.), contractual overtime and statutory overtime.
WSNA believes that this sort of premium is essential in order to recognize the hard work and loyalty of the amazing RNs at UWMC Montlake.
Thanks for all you do for the patients you serve!
Your WSNA MOU Bargaining Team RNs Teresa Wren MIC, Grace Jones 5SA
UWMC Montlake found guilty of violating Department of Health PPE standards
After a complaint was filed against UWMC Montlake and UWMC NW with DOSH (Division of Occupational Safety and Health), it was concluded that the employer was in violation of minimum PPE standards. These standards were set in accordance with a Joint Hazard Alert indicating that all RNs caring for COVID + or Rule out COVID + patients, were to be wearing an N95 Respirator or better.
UWMC was ordered to comply with Joint Hazard Alert Standards and pay a $4200 fine for this violation. the citation is available to view or download on the local unit site at
Thanks to all the RNs that testified on behalf of your experiences and thanks for your continued service to all the patients in need of your knowledge and expertise.
WSNA will continue to monitor the employer’s compliance with CDC Recommendations, Department of Health Directives and Governor Proclamations.
Local Unit Officer Nomination forms due Friday Feb. 12
It is time to elect the officers that will represent the 1800+RNs working at UWMC Montlake for the next several years. Go to the link below and nominate yourself or a colleague who is a strong Nurse Advocate for a leadership position within WSNA. These nomination forms are due this Friday!
Negotiations are starting soon!
Your current contract between WSNA and UWMC Montlake expires June 30, 2021. We are starting preparation this week with our team of RNs.
Survey feedback from participating RNs will be the driver to set priorities for our bargaining. We have a great team in place and are looking forward to getting this process underway. If there is an issue/issues you would like to see addressed, please forward your concerns to WSNA nurse Representative Ed Zercher at
Convention 2021
Don't forget to attend the Washington State Nurses Convention. We are going virtual this year. Click on the image below for more information.