
Important message regarding your WSNA union membership

Dear Fellow Union Members,

We hope this message finds you well. Recently, we learned of a third-party effort to encourage our nurses to drop their union membership. This tactic, known as union busting, is unfortunately not uncommon. As your elected officers, we need to address it directly with you, our union siblings.

First and foremost, we want to reaffirm the importance and benefits of being part of our union. Our union exists to protect and advocate for all of us. Here are some key reasons why remaining a union member is crucial:

  1. Collective Bargaining Power: As a union member, you have a collective voice in negotiating your wages, benefits, and working conditions. This power ensures that your interests are represented and protected effectively.
  2. Job Security and Fair Treatment: Unions provide job security through collective agreements that outline fair disciplinary procedures and protect against arbitrary termination. They also promote fair treatment by establishing clear grievance procedures to resolve disputes.
  3. Better Pay and Benefits: Statistics consistently show that unionized workers earn higher wages and are more likely to have access to essential benefits such as health insurance, retirement plans, and paid leave.
  4. Workplace Safety: Unions play a critical role in advocating for workplace safety standards and ensuring that employers comply with regulations to protect workers from unsafe conditions.
  5. Professional Development and Training: Many unions offer opportunities for skills training, career development programs, and educational benefits that can enhance your skills and advance your career. WSNA also serves as your professional nursing organization.

It's important to recognize that efforts to weaken or dismantle our union often come from interests that do not prioritize our well-being. By standing together, we strengthen our ability to negotiate strong contracts and ensure a safe and equitable workplace.

We encourage each of you to reflect on the benefits you enjoy as union members and consider the potential consequences of withdrawing your membership. We support you and continue to fight for your rights as workers.

If you have any questions, concerns, or need more information about the current situation, please reach out to any of us. Together, we will protect and advance the rights and interests of all UWMC WSNA members.

Your elected WSNA officers,