Your new contract was ratified!
Posted Dec 8, 2017
Thank you all for coming in to vote on the new contract. We hope to have the final copies online in the next few weeks, but most likely it may be after the holidays. We believe retro pay will be paid out on your Dec. 29th check, although payroll hasn’t yet confirmed if that can be accomplished.
We want to thank the nurses who generously donated their PTO to help offset the loss of income for taking time off to negotiate the contract. We are sincerely touched by your donations.
For those who did not get the opportunity to donate, you still can do so. You can either print the PTO donation form found here and return it to any of the negotiating team members listed below, or you can get a form from one of the members and return it to them.
Please consider donating an hour or two of PTO to this team that worked hard getting you a great contract.
Thank you,
Megan Hill, RN
Surgical Services - Days
Dyana Mitchell, RN
ICU – Days
Robyn Tilton, RN
General Surgery - Days
Lacen Potter, RN
ACU - Evenings
Teri Huizenga, RN
Grievance Officer
Oncology – Days
Zak Thatcher, BSN, RN
Grievance Officer
Emergency - Days