
Contract negotiation update

Session 1 team photo

We met with management on Thursday, Sept. 5 and gave them the bulk of our proposals. Our priorities include wages, staffing, shift differential and workplace safety. TG did not present any proposals to us today. Both sides agreed to ground rules.

Our closing message to management was explaining our theme of “better together;” we enter these negotiations in a spirit of collaboration.


We want to thank everyone who supported us by wearing buttons and posting pictures to the WSNA secret Facebook group. Keep it up!

Better together,
Your 2019 WSNA Contract Bargaining Team
Jess Oyler, OR, Danielle O’Toole, ICU, CJ Johnston, ER, Michelle Stevenson, PCU, Charlene Sole, ER, Liz Leske, Peri-Anesthesia, Shana Gardner, Resource, Angie Hatcher, CVICU, Brenda Bowhay, Mother/Baby, Ally Bure, OR, Cherie Griffith, Med/Surg, Kayla Dougherty, NICU.

To join the TG RN secret Facebook group, or if you have questions or comments, email WSNA Nurse Representative Sydne James at sjames@wsna.org.