
We said NO to cutting nursing staff at Staffing Committee

The Hospital Staffing Committee (HSC) met to discuss staffing levels across the med-surg units (excluding the 10th floor), and we called on nurses and CNAs to make their voices heard. And you did not disappoint! Nurses and CNAs, with a special shoutout to our friends with SEIU, filled the room and let management know that the proposed nursing staff cuts are unacceptable.

We showed up with one united message: NO to cutting nursing staff! Management heard passionate, powerful testimonies from the very people who care for patients daily. Nurses and CNAs spoke up about the devastating impact these cuts would have on patient care, making it crystal clear that these proposals are a threat to our ability to do our jobs safely and effectively.

And what did we get from management in response? Excuses. Instead of addressing the critical staffing concerns we raised, they turned around and asked us how we would "fix" the financial shortcomings they claim the hospital is facing (by the way, have you seen the new Denver Broncos training facility, conveniently sponsored by Common Spirit?). They also had no answers when we demanded clarity on how they plan to meet the legal requirements for break coverage, particularly on nights and weekends, without resorting to unsafe staffing practices like using break buddies (which puts the unit out of compliance with staffing laws).

It was clear that management was tired of hearing the truth from those of us who care for the patients. When they had no good answers, they asked to take a vote to end the discussion. We stood firm. Every single staffing proposal for 2S, 3S, 4S, 5S, 7S, and the 8th and 9th floors was REJECTED by the staffing committee. 

Sjtac strong

What’s Next?

In the face of this rejection, management is planning to hold a special HSC meeting to bring back revised staffing plans. We don’t know the date yet, but we’ll let you know as soon as it’s confirmed. Stay ready – we will need your voices again when that day comes!

Critical Care Units Are Next – We Need You

Our fight is far from over. The next regularly scheduled HSC meeting is on 11/4/24, where staffing plans for the critical care units will be up for discussion. We expect more reckless cuts to be proposed, and we need you to show up again. Louder, stronger, and united, we must make it clear: these cuts endanger our patients and put an unfair burden on nurses and CNAs.

Be there. Speak up. Together, we will win.

Sign the Picket Pledge - and ask a coworker to do the same!

Informational Pickets are a powerful tool we have at our disposal – they engage the community, show management our collective solidarity, and give us power at the negotiating table. We need everyone to sign and return a picket pledge so we can assess the willingness of our nurses to picket. There are already pledges floating around break rooms across the hospital, but we need as much help as we can get in having every nurse sign and return one.

You can find a printable picket pledge here . If you work per diem or are unable to sign a physical pledge, you can send us a picture of your signature at 206-553-9794 or sjmc@wsna.org to let us know that we can count you in as ready to picket.

For more information on pickets, check out our picket FAQ here. We also encourage you to talk with coworkers that have been to a picket before about their experience!

If you would like to help with collecting picket pledges, contact WSNA Organizer Grace at glamonte@wsna.org or 206-553-9794 to get started! Collecting pledges is as easy as talking to a coworker in the break room and sending a picture of the pledge sheet to SJMC@wsna.org.

Safety Petitions Delivered to CNO Andrew Baxter

After our powerful staffing committee, a group of nurses delivered hundreds of signed petitions to Andrew Baxter. We asked that he respond to the nurses at St. Joes that requested an open forum to discuss the myriad of safety issues we face every day at work – to which he stated that he would be in touch with us about this. We will keep everyone updated if that happens, and we will continue to fight for safety measures that protect nurses from the parking garage to the bedside at negotiations.

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Questions? You can contact WSNA Nurse Representative Jared Richardson, MSN, RN, at jrichardson@wsna.org or WSNA Organizer Grace LaMonte at glamonte@wsna.org.