Tell SJMC to stop disrespecting and devaluing women and women’s health!
Posted Jul 24, 2023
The nurses that work in the FBC are fed up with the way they have been and continue to be treated. Women have a long history of being treated inequitably and the same is true for women’s health. The nurses in this department have repeatedly brought concerns to their supervision trying to collaboratively resolve issues on their unit and have repeatedly been dismissed.
Sticker up and sign their petition now!
\This department experiences increased census every summer and subsequently suffers from understaffing and insufficient rooms for their patients. This summer is no different. They have filed numerous ADOs, which is extremely important evidence that documents there are staffing concerns. In addition, they reached out to their management in various ways with ideas to help alleviate the significant staffing issues they are enduring.
Their suggestions are not just ignored, they have been shamed and told the staffing is the nurses’ fault due to nurses taking protected leaves and SNOs. The blaming and shaming of nurses and other staff for calling out, SNOs, FCA, or medical leave is beyond inappropriate. No nurse should ever be asked to end their leave early. Nowhere in the professional space is that acceptable.
These nurses are trying to ensure that staffing will be adequate every day regardless of SNOs. They know adequate nurse to patient ratios are required to ensure safe care. That includes meal and rest breaks provided consistently. Breaks are not a perk; they are necessary for the type of hard work every nurse does.
Sticker up and sign their petition now!
Management boasts about the exclusive breast-feeding rates at SJMC that are remarkably higher than the national average. However, at the negotiating table management contends the women’s healthcare that Lactation Consultant nurses provide is not as valuable as any other type of nursing care provided at SJMC. They have a proposal to pay these SJMC nurses 20% less than any other nurse at SJMC. They also are denying them certification pay for their very costly and extensive certification. The inequity is undeniable. Women generally earn 20% less than men, and women’s health has a long history of being devalued. We need to unite and demand fair and equal compensation for the specialized care these nurses provide and the important role they play in our patients’ care and education.
The FBC staff believe the health and safety of their birthing patients is of utmost importance. The understaffing, lack of breaks, disrespect, and devaluing of women and women’s health is causing burnout, moral injury among the staff, and a high turnover rate.
If you need stickers, you can find them on union bulletin boards throughout the hospital. If you cannot find them there, please contact any WSNA Local Unit Officer: Matthew McGuire, Emily Nollmeyer, Sally Budack, Shannon Suchland, Shelly Mead, Yunna Flenord, Carina Price, Rachel Watcher, or our nurse rep Barbara Friesen