
316 Days

That’s how many days until the contract expires. 316 days may seem like a long time but there is a lot of work to get done between now and then. We have to form a bargaining team, work out negotiating dates, and right now we need to hear from you on what your priorities are. It is vital that we hear your voice on what you want to see in a new collective bargaining agreement. Please take some time to fill out the pre-negotiation survey by following the link below.

In the meantime, we have a lot of work to do. The new safe staffing law has requirements that will change how we operate the staffing committee. The details haven’t been one hundred percent hammered out yet, but we are always looking for dedicated nurses to serve on committees. If you are interested in serving on the staffing committee, please let one of the officers know.

We have also seen a huge increase in ADOs over the last month. We appreciate each and every time that you use your voice to express the concerns that are happening in your unit. You can be assured that we read every one of them. We bring the issues to the conference committee and the staffing committee, and getting these broken pumps fixed is a major priority for us. You should be able to carry out your job duties without having to worry if the pump is going to fail on you. Your job is hard enough as is.

We hope you have a happy holiday season, and as always feel free to reach out to any of us if you have questions, concerns, or just want to chat.

In Solidarity, 
Emily Nollmeyer, Co-Chair 
Matthew McGuire, Co-Chair 
Sally Budack, Co-Secretary 
Shannon Suchland, Co-Secretary 
Shelly Mead, Grievance Officer 
Yunna Flenord, Grievance Officer 
Carina Price, Membership Officer 
Rachel Wachter, Membership Officer 
Teresa Kindell, Membership Coordinator