
Staffing Committee needs you

Would you like to be a part of the committee that determines how staffing works on your unit? Do you like to problem solve or have ideas on how staffing problems can be resolved? Did you know that your hospital staffing committee is required by law to review staffing concerns and work to reach solutions that impact how you provide care to your patients?

We are accepting nominations for the staffing committee at this time. We would like to have two people PER UNIT on the staffing committee – many hands make light work! This is PAID time and your manager will work to find you coverage if the meeting falls on a day you are working. Training is provided!

Please see, complete and return the nomination form as soon as possible. This is the perfect opportunity to be a part of the solution! Deadline for nominations is November 30, 2019.

Download the nomination form and fill it out. You can mail it to Sue Dunlap at:
Washington State Nurses Association
575 Andover Park West, Suite 101
Seattle, WA 98188

Send it by email to sdunlap@wsna.org or fax to (206) 575-1908.