
Date Extended:  Nominate yourself or a nurse colleague for Nurse Staffing Committee

It is time to nominate yourself or a colleague from your unit to repre­sent your nurse colleagues on the Nurse Staffing Committee. The committee needs one regular attendee and one alternate.

The committee also needs a substi­tute Co-Chair for WSNA. Kim Finger, SSU, is your current Nurse Staffing Committee Co-Chair for WSNA. Kim will mentor and guide you as you begin.

The committee works together to do the following:

  • Review annual and biannual staffing plans and voting whether to approve the plan;
  • Review Staffing Concern Forms/​ADOs and voting whether it is resolved or unresolved;
  • Make recom­men­da­tions for changes;

This committee meets on the first Wednesday of every month from 0800 – 1000.

All hours spent on this committee are paid time. Per your contract, if you are on shift, your manager and you will make arrange­ments for coverage so that you can attend.

All nominees will be contacted by the WSNA Nurse Repre­sen­ta­tive and if they agree to partic­i­pate, they will be appointed by the WSNA local unit’s Execu­tive Board members. You must be a WSNA Member in good standing.

Three ways to submit your nomination:

  1. Complete the fillable version, Save it on your device, and email saved document to hwelander@wsna.org
  2. Print a copy, complete the form, and Scan/​Email to hwelander@wsna.org
  3. Print a copy, complete the form and mail it to

WSNA, Attn: Hanna Welander
575 Andover Park W, Suite 101
Seattle, WA 98188

For any questions, please contact Kim Finger, Co-Chair of the Nurse Staffing Committee at kfinger@peacehealth.org; or Hanna Welander, WSNA Nurse Rep, at hwelander@wsna.org or (206) 575‑7979, Ext. 3035

EXTENDED Due Date December 20, 2020