
Tentative Agreement on Extended Call Back Pay

We have reached a tentative agreement with hospital management on a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to bring the St. Clare Hospital Collective Bargaining Agreement (the contract) in line with language at St. Joseph Medical Center. This MOU will allow nurses who work beyond their scheduled shift while on call back status hours to be paid double time for extra hours depending on shift length. Follow the link to see the MOU for more details.  A big shout out to Ngan Van who brought this issue to our attention and fought hard to make sure that nurses are paid the fair wage they deserve!

To get this MOU into the contract it must pass a vote of bargaining unit members. We will be holding a vote in the hospital on 5/29 from 1600-2000, and the local unit officers endorse a YES vote. Please come by and cast a vote!

In Solidarity,

Devon Tallman, Co-Chair
Clarissa Korrell, Co-Chair
Jessica Cook, Secretary
Nicole Sandell, Treasurer
Brandi Poggemann, Grievance/Membership Officer
Chelsey Dewidar, Grievance Officer
Jared Richardson, WSNA Nurse Representative

You can contact WSNA Nurse Representative Jared Richardson, BSN, RN, at jrichardson@wsna.org or WSNA Organizer Grace LaMonte at glamonte@wsna.org.