
Only 200 days until our contract expires

Fill out the pre-negotiation survey today!

The current union contract with St. Clare Hospital expires on January 31, 2025. While January might seem distant in this July heat, we have a lot of hard work to do to secure the best contract possible. We need your help every step of the way. The first step is to fill out the pre-negotiation survey we are launching today!

This survey is your chance to tell us what truly matters to you as the nurses who tirelessly make St. Clare’s better for everyone—our nurses, our patients, and our community. By completing the survey, you can highlight your top priorities for the new contract and the issues you want addressed. You can also indicate if you’re interested in serving on the bargaining team or helping out with negotiations as a unit rep.

The strength of our contract with St. Clare Hospital depends on the solidarity and unity of our bargaining unit. Let's show our strength from day one by filling out this survey. We encourage you to complete it as soon as possible by following the QR code or link below.

QR code St Clare Nego2024 1

We are excited to represent you at the bargaining table and to work together to continue making St. Clare one of the best places to work as a nurse in Washington.

In Solidarity,

Clarissa Korrell, Co-Chair  
Devon Tallma, Co-Chair  
Jessica Cook, Secretary  
Nicole Sandell, Treasurer  
Brandi Poggemann, Membership Officer  
Chelsey Dewidar, Grievance Officer  
Nikki Wright, Grievance Officer

You can contact WSNA Nurse Representative Jared Richardson, BSN, RN, at jrichardson@wsna.org or WSNA Organizer Grace LaMonte at glamonte@wsna.org.