Negotiation day 1 update
Posted Feb 5, 2020
Hello WSNA Nurses,
On Monday, Feb. 3, your negotiation team met for the first time with management to begin bargaining your WSNA contract. We submitted numerous initial proposals. Management responded on several but have not yet given us their opening proposal.
We will be holding our initial local unit meeting on Feb. 11, 2020 in Auditorium A from 3 -6 p.m. We will be providing refreshments. Along with giving you insight into our negotiation session as well as providing you information on the online staffing complaint form. This form has been agreed to between WSNA and management to record any staffing concerns and/or missed rest or meal breaks. You can find the form on your smart phone or online here:
In solidarity,
Your negotiation team

From left to right:
Jonathan Chase; Tower 7, WSNA Co-Chair, grievance officer
Andy Summers; ICU & ED
Shanta Gervickas; ED
Erica Ostenson; MOJO 4th floor
Gretchen Ruff; OR
Dawn Marick; Resource, WSNA Greivance officer, Secretary Treasurer
Didi Gray; Birth Center, WSNA Co-Chair
Erin Irwin; 3 South
Deb Krenzler; Member at Lage
Melissa Smithdeal; MOJO 2nd floor; WSNA Grievance officer
Mark Bolan; ICU