
It’s time for nomina­tions for WSNA Local Unit Officers here at PeaceHealth Southwest

Our local unit’s strength and effec­tive­ness is directly related to the level of partic­i­pa­tion of nurses in our union. Elected volunteer WSNA Local Unit Officers work in partner­ship with the WSNA Nurse Repre­sen­ta­tive and are the foundation of our local unit.

We encourage you to nominate yourself.  If you know someone who would be a good local unit leader, please nominate them, encourage them to run and to fill out a Consent to Serve form.

This time we are offering two options for nomination/Consent to Serve.  The forms are available as fillable PDFs posted to your local unit web page (direct links to each form below or use the link in the bar above) or as an online submission for both nomination and Consent to Serve. You can also use the QR code to access the online form.

Descriptions of each position are included in the PDF nomination form.


If you choose to use the PDF forms, once you have downloaded the form and filled it out, save it and email it back to Telmore@wsna.org.

Nominations will close on August 9, 2024.

For any questions, please contact Travis Elmore Nelson at (206) 575‑7979, ext. 3117 or by email at Telmore@wsna.org.