
CNO meeting with MoJo 2 RNs

Mother Joseph 2 RNs, you requested a meeting with CNO Tanya Shanks-Connors and WSNA advocated for you! We have a virtual meeting set with CNO Tanya Shanks-Connors form 1500-1600 on September 6. Please attend as much of the meeting as possible if you have concerns about your working conditions! Please be prepared to concisely express your concerns along with suggestions for improvement! We know that retaliation is a concern of yours, the CNO has assured us that nurses who attend will no not be retaliated against.

Please see the meeting info below:

CNO Meeting Teams Link 

Meeting ID: 293 450 620 670
Passcode: 2yTVog

Dial in info:
+1 509-863-6523
Phone conference ID: 676 990 026#

Please contact Dawn Marick at dmwillson9@gmail.com or WSNA Rep. Travis E. Nelson at telmore@wsna.org or 206-575-7979 ext. 3117 if you have comments or questions.