
Bargaining update

Last night we wrapped up bargaining around midnight after 16 hours at the table. We ended this morning because management hasn’t put anything on the table that we can say yes to. We can’t agree to a proposal that would roll back commitments that management previously made to you. On top of that, they are saying NO to retro pay, NO to a signing bonus for all of our members and no to improvements to CES. We’ve asked management for dates of availability.

More to come soon!

Join us on Instagram for the latest from your bargaining team … https://www.instagram.com/phsw_nurses?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==.

In solidarity,

Your Bargaining Team
WSNA Co-Chair Didi Gray, Family Birth; WSNA Co-Chair Dawn Marick, Resource team; Secretary/Treasurer Duncan Camacho, ICU; Grievance Officer Erin Irwin, CVICU; Member at Large Talitha Wilson, ED; Dillon LeSieur, RRT/Critical Care; Dustin Weddle, ED; Jeryl Anderson, Case Management; Brooke Churchman, Home Hospice; Joan Ngarachu, PACU; Toutu Rekucki, Cardiology

Please contact WSNA Nurse Rep Travis Elmore Nelson at telmore@wsna.org or 206-575-7979 ext. 3117 with questions or to find out what you can do to get a fair contract.