
Update – Second Day of Bargaining, Waiting for Management's Response on Wages and Economics

 We made progress during our second day of bargaining, reaching a tentative agreement on some non-economic changes to your contract. We know wages and other economics are essential to you. WSNA presented our wage proposal to bring your wages in year one to the average of what we consider competitive 2024 comparable nurse wages ("comps") and seek strong increases in years 2 and 3.

Skyline has not responded to our wage or other economic proposals, but we hope to receive a comprehensive or nearly comprehensive counter-proposal from Skyline at our next bargaining session, scheduled for Monday, June 3. You may have seen that in our last bargaining update, we wrote that "Management told us they would provide a response to our proposals on May 22." We did not mean for this to imply that management told us they would provide a comprehensive response at our May 22 session.

We want to see the WSNA Nurses at Skyline, the faces of those caring for the community. You are WSNA. This contract is for all WSNA nurses at Skyline, and we need to remind everyone that this is about people, family, and the community. We have WSNA buttons and signs. Take a photo with your coworkers or a selfie at work, even a family photo holding a WSNA sign in support of the bargaining team. Please share the photos with us. You can text some of your officers, Gena Martinez, at 541-490-8152 or Britton Baker at 360-431-1651 or email Nurse Rep Bret at bpercival@wsna.org or text at 206-471-0876.

Our bargaining team will be trying to connect with all of you. If you have yet to be contacted, please take a minute to contact one of the team members to chat about how you can support our efforts!

Do you have questions about any of this or want to know about any other actions you can take? Contact your officers or Nurse Representative Bret Percival at BPercival@wsan.org or 206-471-0876.

In solidarity,
Gena Martinez - Same Day Surgery – Chair
Laurie Smith - Med Surg/ED – Vice Chair
Britton Baker – ED - Secretary/Treasurer
Susan Rowe - Acute Care -Grievance Officer
Erin Howland – Med Surg/ED – Membership Officer