Yesterday, we rallied and stood together in solidarity as #SkagitNursesShowUp for our community
Posted Jan 23, 2019

We came, we rallied, we fought. We asked our community to get involved to help us fight for our patients and profession – they delivered!
We'd like to extend a thank you to our union brothers and sisters from Mount Vernon Professional Firefighters Local 1983, Camano Island Firefighters Local 4033, Burlington Professional Firefighters Local 4111, IAFF 7th District, LiLuna Local 292, the Washington State Council of Fire Fighters, the Labor-Dem Work Group, Northwest Washington Central Labor Council, the Skagit Democrats, We Do The Work and the 40th Democrats for standing alongside us in the fight for a fair contract.
We'd also like to thank our speakers for sharing their experiences and being the voice for all Skagit nurses. Our community is listening. The Skagit Herald covered our rally, read it here.

We continue negotiations this Friday, Jan. 25.
You can help our efforts at the table to secure safe staffing by filling out nurse staffing concern forms every time you have a staffing concern. If you don’t report it, it is as if it didn’t happen. After filling out the form, email a copy of the completed form to WSNA Chair Liz Rainaud at and WSNA Nurse Representative Sue Dunlap at Stay tuned for more updates and information!
Thank you all for your continued support and congratulations on a successful rally!
Your WSNA Negotiation Team:
Peter Moore (MPC), Alyssa Stirpe (Stanwood), Randi Dykstra (Case Management), Rachel Yates (MPC), Liz Rainaud (FBC), Alice Riddle (IV Therapy) and Jessica Knutzen (Float Pool)
If you have any questions, contact a negotiation team member, WSNA Nurse Representative Sue O'Donnell or at 206-575-7979, ext. 3045 or WSNA Nurse Representative Sue Dunlap at or at 206-575-7979, ext. 3005.