
What’s Happening at Skagit

Clinic Nurses

Have you precepted? Were you denied the preceptor premium? Then please join us for a pre-grievance meeting on Monday, November 27 at 11:30, with a 1:30 grievance presentation to follow.

Meeting ID: 953 4538 8228
Passcode: 659329


We know that there are a lot of questions and concerns going around with the grievance that was filed. WSNA and the local unit officers held two town hall meetings to answer questions. This has led to more questions than answers. Due to the safety concerns and questions presented by staff, we will be having a meeting with management and HR on December 11th at 1430 to discuss the issues moving forward and the best way to make this a successful transition. Because the schedule has been posted, nurses will have to be either off or on a break to participate per HR, as this will be a non-compensable time. Please use the link below to join:

Meeting ID: 917 3435 8375
Passcode: 120686
One tap mobile
+12532158782,,91734358375# US (Tacoma)
+12532050468,,91734358375# US

Unit Reps and Staffing Committee members

If you or someone you work with would like to step up and be a leader for their unit, please contact either me or our organizer Sam Scholl (sscholl@wsna.org) if you are interested. You would be a leader for your fellow nurses and on the staffing committee be the voice for your fellow unit members. We are also looking for names of CNAs you feel would be a good fit for the staffing committee.