
Short Skagit update

Policy updates

Your officers and WSNA were made aware of a document being distributed to nurses in urgent care that clearly had contract violations included in it. Nurses were being asked to sign and attest they understood these non-contractual expectations.

URGENT CARE NURSES: please hold off on signing until we have had management make the necessary corrections. We have already issued a cease and desist and will be having the discussion with leadership at our next NCC meeting scheduled for May 26. If anyone in any other department receives a similar request or document, please let one of the officers know right away and get them a copy. We are not opposed to simplifying the plethora of policies and procedures, but they must be in alignment with the contract.

Healthcare Week?

We are hoping that you all enjoyed the accolades by leadership during the new Nurses Week now dubbed Healthcare Week. However, we feel strongly that nurses are definitely the pillars of the healthcare system and as such your officers want to extend a specific acknowledgement and celebration just for you as nurses! We are planning to hold two events in the warmer summer months to do just that. Continue to watch your inbox for updates on this. It will be fun, involve food, possibly prizes, kids' activities and most definitely an all inclusive event for nurses and their families. We want Skagit nurses to feel special and honored and respected and are excited to be able to offer this celebration!


Our nurse conference committee is May 26 when we sit down with management to discuss issues that have come up and new business. Stay tuned for another update after that meeting!

Questions? Contact WSNA Nurse Representative Sue Dunlap at sdunlap@wsna.org.