
Negotiations update session 11

Union 101 – Strength in Numbers

Over 25 observers joined us at the bargaining table on Monday! WOW!  We had record turnout and management took notice!  Our strength and unity is our power. Join us at the bargaining table (we could be getting close to a tentative agreement with management) next Monday! Read on for details.

We’re Not There, But We’re Getting Closer

Management proposed an economic package (remember the package concept?  Accept the whole thing or reject the whole thing – no picking and choosing.) and, while there is more space to close, we were encouraged to see movement on Management’s part.

Management proposed wages in the first year of the contract of  9% + $1/hour at each step (we had proposed 9% + $2.50/hour) and picked up on our proposal to get rid of ghost steps; however, Management rejected our proposal to add new Steps 29 and 30.  Management said this wasn’t its “last, best, and final offer,” which means we have more room to push them.

Unfortunately management is still pushing for some takeaways and is insisting on some conditions that  we find unacceptable.

Management still wants to remove the retirement benefit, stating that even though the benefit wouldn’t impact a lot of nurses currently working (approximately 40 nurses house-wide *if* all of them retired between 62-65 and had worked 20 years at Skagit).  However, Management wants WSNA to be the first to agree to this after UFCW rejected this proposal, and Management couldn’t answer us at the table if upper leadership is going to give up this benefit, as well as managers and directors. If not, why just nurses? Management explained that, even though the benefit doesn’t cost much, it looks bad on their accounting books, because the total cost is carried as a liability  (we know that liability on the books – even if it will never result in pay-outs – is a turn-off for prospective lenders and lowers bond ratings).

Management continues to reject the year for year parity we proposed for every  nurse from date of hire to the longest term employee. Its reason is that it is an “administrative nightmare” to reconfigure – just one time! – this archaic antiquated algorithm.  We continue our efforts to drag Skagit into the 21st century.

The most disappointing proposal that we received from Management has to do with our “me too/most favored nations” clause (we had proposed that Skagit can’t pay us less than what it pays Cascade Valley or any newly acquired facility). Here’s how Management complicated that: *only* if WSNA, SRH, *and* the Cascade Valley Registered Nurses Association agree to a proposal that allows Skagit and CV nurses to voluntarily float between hospitals, then would *all* SRH nurses get the benefit of a “me too” clause. Which is to say – three parties need to agree to a proposal that we have explored multiple times to no avail before our “me too” clause would become a reality. This a cynical proposal. This issue has been around for years, and each time we’ve raised to Management the number of details involved in floating back and forth. Basically, by tying “me too” to a three-party agreement that we’ve addressed multiple times over several years, it’s tantamount to rejecting it.

Next Time – Is It the Last Time?

We are back at the table next Monday, June 24. This is currently our last scheduled negotiation session. There’s a possibility we could come to agreement next Monday (then again, there’s a possibility we may have to schedule additional dates). *Come observe negotiations!* It really makes that much of a difference!   Contact WSNA Organizer Crystal Doll for information.  cdoll@wsna.org

Sip & Chat

Please join us for Sip n Chat this Thursday and bring your questions! We will have an agenda to share and then time at the end for some questions.

Questions about some of the bargaining vocabulary you hear, or want clarification on what a proposal means or doesn’t mean? Pop us a question on FB or Instagram and we will respond to clarify. (If you are wondering, then others are as well.  Better to have an accurate answer then to let rumors circulate.)


  • Display your car signs in your vehicle and park conspicuously.  Contact any team member to obtain some signs.
  • Ask your favorite businesses in town to display a sign in their window showing support for their community hospital nurses fighting for a contract designed to Recruit, Retain and Respect SRH Nurses!
  • Attend Sip n Chat Thursday evening at 6 pm – watch your texts for a link
  • Come observe on Monday June 24 – contact Crystal if you would like to attend.

Liz Rainaud   FBC  and WSNA local unit chair
Rachel Yates   Family Medicine and WSNA local unit treasurer
Kim McCann   FBC  and WSNA local unit membership officer
Kyla Malean  OR  and Negotiating team member
Lacey Bernick   PERI OP  and Negotiating team member

Organizer:  Crystal Doll   CDoll@wsna.org or at 206 334-8388
Nurse Representative: Sue Dunlap SDunlap@wsna.org

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