Negotiations update day 1!
Posted Mar 15, 2024

We had our first day at the table on Thursday, March 14, and it was a full day of work for your team. Each side came with a first set of proposals, and we were in agreement on a number of items to change and clarify within the contract. We were able to reach a “TA” (aka Tentative Agreement) on SIX different contract change items.
The tentative agreements deal with some language changes within the body of the contract, mostly cleaning up outdated language and clarifying parts of the Agreement (including how we communicate officer appointments to Skagit leadership, and other cleanup language throughout the Agreement). While these “TAs” aren’t terribly high-stakes, we intended to start with the “easier” language so that both sides could get a few agreements in place before we started talking about the issues that we know will be more challenging.
We have had the opportunity to have some robust discussions particularly around the issue of preceptor pay. Your WSNA officers heard loud and clear leaderships denial to pay preceptor pay for precepting new nurses to clinic areas as well as denying preceptor pay to those Skagit nurses who are precepting travelers.
We have not approached the subject of economics as yet but are in the process of formulating a proposal that will make Skagit nurses competitive with regards to wages. Wage comparisons have proven that Skagit nurses are considerably behind the market wages at present and Skagit leadership has already acknowledged that they are aware that wages are below market at present.
WSNA negotiations team members are resolute in obtaining the best contract for all Skagit nurses! We are working hard on behalf of everyone at Skagit regional health. Management pays attention to how the nurses are supporting the negotiating team bargaining on your behalf. While we are at the table having these important discussions, those of you working at your various location can help your team by wearing a sticker on March 25, taking a quick photo with your phone and sending it by text to one of your team members, posting it on Facebook Group page , or sending to or your nurse rep Sue Dunlap at
Your team thanks you all in advance for doing this small ask. If you need stickers to hand out on your unit, please let one of us know and we will make sure you are adequately supplied. We are still seeking ambassadors on each unit to verify home email addresses and cell phone information so that everyone receives updates in a timely manner. In addition, please extend an invitation to your coworkers to join the union and become part of the WSNA at Skagit ‘family’. The application can be filled out online and submitted. And remember only members in good standing are permitted to vote on accepting or rejecting the final contract proposal!
We are launching a new Instagram page for Skagit! @WSNA_Skagit will be up and running and is available for everyone to see which is a great way to involve everyone in the fight for a great contract. Go ahead and search and follow our new Instagram page. In addition, our Facebook group is open to dues-paying WSNA members only and is a great way to network across the organization about issues facing your department. Contact your Local Unit Officers or WSNA Nurse Representative Sue Dunlap or WSNA Nurse Organizer Sam Scholl (information below) to sign up to become a full member and get access to all the rights and privileges that come along with being a member (not to mention, putting our Union in a stronger position to bargain!). Keep an eye for our organizer Sam Scholl who will be having an increased presence around the organization with swag, stickers and information.
Thank you to the Mt. Vernon Surgical Center staff who decided to practice stickering up for our first day! Your team appreciates any and all encouragement! We will see you again March 25 after the next session so stay tuned for more updates.
Questions? Contact WSNA Nurse Organizer Sam Scholl at or WSNA Nurse Representative Sue Dunlap at