
Extra shift incentive pay update

We have agreed to an extension of the extra shift incentive MOU and Skagit Regional Health leadership has agreed to increasing the pay associated with this. Your officers were clear in articulating the critical work every nurse is doing for Skagit. We are pleased that Skagit recognizes this and they have agreed to increase the bonus pay in all categories by $50. This new agreement will be in effect through March 31, 2022.

  1. $275 per 12 hour shift
  2. $250 per 10 hour shift
  3. $225 per 8 hour shift
  4. $150 per less than 8 hour shift.

Please take a moment to thank one of your officers. They give tirelessly of their time and energy to fight for every nurse at Skagit.

In solidarity,
Liz Rainaud, MSN, RN ~ Local Unit Chair
Jessica Googe, RN ~ Local Unit Co-Chair
Miranda Setty, BSN, RN, ENP‑C, CCTN~ Local Unit Secretary/​Communications Officer
Rachel Yates, RN ~ Local Unit Treasurer
Abubaker Cameron, RN ~ Local Unit Griev­ance Officer
Cheryl Pedersen, RN ~ Local Unit Griev­ance Officer
Hannah Guy, BSN, RN ~ Local Unit Co-Member­ship Officer

Questions? Contract WSNA Nurse Repre­sen­ta­tive Sue Dunlap at sdunlap@wsna.org.