
Negotiation Update #7

We have a TA!

On Tuesday, Dec. 15 we met with the County for our seventh bargaining session. After much back and forth and much discussion, we finally reached an overall Tentative Agreement on our contract at 7:15pm. Your team is confident that we negotiated the best deal that we could get. This will be a two-year contract, expiring Dec. 31, 2022.

Despite all the current challenges with the pandemic and the economy, we are happy to report that we fought off several takeaways and we achieved modest economic gains.

Look for another email to come out with a more complete summary of changes and with details on how the ratification vote will occur. For now, we want to share with you some highlights:

  • Wage increase of 1% Jan. 1, 2021
  • Wage increase of 2% Jan. 1, 2022
  • $500 ratification bonus for career service RNs ($250 for TLTs)
  • Certification premium pay of $50 per pay period
  • Bilingual premium pay of $25 per pay period
  • Letters of reprimand can come out of personnel file after 18 months

Your contract bargaining team recommends a YES vote.

In order to vote on this TA, you must be a WSNA member in good standing. If you are not a member, or are not sure if you are a member in good standing, contact our WSNA Nurse Representative Sydne James. SJames@wsna.org.

n Solidarity,
Your WSNA RN Negotiating Team: Sean Dumas, RN, Chair; Lois Schipper, RN, Vice Chair; Amy Curtis, RN, Danielle Franco-Malone, attorney; Sydne James, RN, WSNA Nurse Representative.