
Contract bargaining update #4

We met for our 4th contract negoti­a­tion session with the County on Nov. 24, 2020.

We spent time negotiating good language in our Leave articles and we are optimistic that we have persuaded management to back off of a proposal that would have resulted in slower vacation accrual rates.

The County’s official wage increase proposal remains 0% in the first year and a 1% wage increase in year two, but we are cautiously optimistic about the County’s slightly improved financial forecast and are continuing to press for improved wage increases.

The County is very motivated to reach an agreement before the 12/31/2020 contract expiration date. We are scheduling additional bargaining sessions to try to get a deal by that time that includes modest gains and minimizes takeaways, during these difficult times.

Our next sched­uled bargaining session is Dec. 3. Continue to wear your WSNA button every day to work to show support of your bargaining team.

In Solidarity,

Your WSNA RN Negoti­ating Team: Sean Dumas, RN, Chair; Lois Schipper, RN, Vice Chair; Amy Curtis, RN, Danielle Franco-Malone, attorney; Sydne James, RN, WSNA Nurse Representative.

For questions, contact WSNA Nurse Repre­sen­ta­tive Sydne James, sjames@wsna.org.