
Update on layoffs and restructure for PHNs

WSNA Local Unit Chair, Paul Kumnkel, and WSNA Nurse Representatives Sue O’Donnell and Hanna Welander met with Doreen Hersh and other members of Sea King Public Health management on Tuesday afternoon, May 21, 2019.

The meeting provided a good opportunity for both management and WSNA to share information and address issues around PHN layoffs and work restructure.

The County is actively working to decrease PHN layoffs through Voluntary Separation and by filling positions left open due to VSP. They are also encouraging PHNs to consider and apply for Nurse Supervisor positions and other open PHN positions.

Layoff – Highlights:

The number of layoffs of PHNs has decreased from 15 to 5.

The county is hopeful they will be able to reduce this number further. They cannot guarantee that no nurses will be laid off – but they are hoping this happens. Again, the reduction in the number of predicted layoffs is due to the following:

  • Voluntary Separation
    • Every position left vacant by VSP must prevent position layoffs. Nurses still have until June 28 to apply for VSP.
  • Two PHSS positions
    • The County is encouraging PHNs to consider applying for these openings. Management has committed to providing mentorship and additional assistance and support for staff nurses moving into supervisory roles. They see a great career opportunity for interested nurses.
  • One Open NFP position.

We have not identified any programs exempted from current layoff language.

We continue to look at how nurses in the North and South Sectors will be affected.

Work Restructure - Highlights

PHNs have told WSNA that that they do not feel their voices and concerns are being heard by management. Management acknowledged those concerns during our meeting and have committed to being available to nurses to hear and address concerns and to include nurses in the upcoming and ongoing work redesign process. To that end…

Implementation Teams are forming soon. The county plans to have three Implementation work groups. One for each of the following:

  1. Public Health Centers – 7 full-time sites delivering First Step/WIC services.
  2. Mobile Teams – 4 mobile teams. The county says they will soon know the geographical areas each team will cover.
  3. Community Support Program – The county plans to have 2 PHNs working in these programs. These positions are not included in the current plans/numbers for reducing PHN layoffs.

We have not determined yet how many PHNs will be on each of the implementation teams, and we are working with management to define the process for selecting PHNs to participate. Implementation teams will work to determine how work “gets done” in each program. If you are interested in being on one of these teams, please look for communication from management. Also – please notify WSNA Nurse Rep. Sue O’Donnell at 206-575-7979, ext. 3045 or sodonnell@wsna.org.

Moving forward - the county plans the following:

Implementation Teams

Continued meetings at each site throughout the process. Possibly hold focus groups

VSP determinations

Layoff Notices – if needed - end of July/early August

Fall 2019 – staffing for each site determined – staff will select work program/site. We continue to negotiate with the county about how this process will occur. We will continue to represent your interests during this time.

WSNA moving forward:

We have met with Site Reps, held phone conferences and put an online survey up for nurses in the programs whose work is being restructured. We need to hear from nurses, so we can address your concerns and represent your interests. We will continue to meet with management throughout the process and will continue to seek your input. Please check your emails and the WSNA Sea King Staff webpage often. https://www.wsna.org/union/seattle-king-county-health-dept-staff,

PHNs – please talk to your to site reps, your WSNA Officers and contact Sue O’Donnell with your input, questions or concerns.

Questions? Contact Sue O’Donnell at 206-575-7979, ext. 3045 or sodonnell@wsna.org.