
PHN updates!

WSNA Local Unit Chair Paul Kunkel, MN, RN, and I met with members of management this week to discuss plans and progress in layoffs and work design affecting CHS Parent Child Health and WIC staff.

Management is in the process of forming Implementation Work Groups. Members of these teams will be instrumental in figuring out the details of how and where work is done at Public Health Centers, on Regional Teams, and in the Community Support Program.

We have addressed our concern that these teams are made up of nurses who are best able to bring a range of views and experience. Management has agreed to consider WSNA recommendations for Implementation Teams.

If you are interested in being on one of these teams please let Sue O’Donnell, WSNA Nurse Representative, know by Monday June 10 at 9 a.m., sodonnell@wsna.org or by phone at 206-575-7979, ext. 3045.

As a reminder – management is asking for interested staff to apply for a place on the Implementation Teams by tomorrow, June 7 at 5 pm. If you are considering this - by all means go ahead and apply! And – let me know if you are interested as well.

In Solidarity;

For Your Local Unit Officers –Sue O’Donnell MSN, RN, WSNA Nurse Representative