
Midsummer Newsletter

As promised, this update follows the coalition vote on health benefits and an extension of their current contract with a general wage increase. Though your bargaining team is not yet at the table, your team recognizes your priorities from the negotiation survey related to economics and working conditions. Many factors impact the proposals made, including  the Seattle Times recently reported that Black women employed by the County report lower pay and discrimination.

Coalition Labor Agreement (CLA) Extension Update

As previously communicated, the County Coalition of Unions recently voted on a one-year extension of their CBAs, including a 5.5% general wage increase and changes to health insurance benefits. The extension was ratified. WSNA is not a party to the CLA or a part of the Coalition. However, we are contractually bound to adopt the health benefits portion of the agreement, called the JLMIC MOA. The Coalition agreement may impact our bargaining approach. Once the benefits portion of the agreement is finalized and signed by the county and the coalition, we will share a link on the WSNA webpage for staff nurses for 2025 under featured documents.

More about benefits…

We learned that open enrollment may occur earlier this year. Nurses are encouraged to participate in educational offerings and avail themselves of the resources to select the plan design from an informed place. Dozens of communications are in the process of being sent out from the county. Engagement will continue to occur with employees around health benefits.

Contact the benefits and retirement department directly with questions regarding employer communications:

Phone 206-684-1556
Fax: 206-296-7700
Email kc.benefits@kingcounty.gov

The Harborview option

The County is pursuing an option to fund public health clinics through funding for UW Harborview Medical Center (HMC). This is being referred to as the “Harborview Option.” WSNA received updates at the Level One Meeting between County Leadership and the Labor Unions on July 15.  Dr. Khan provided the final Strategic Plan document.  The county offered a virtual presentation earlier that day, with over 500 employees attending. In the meeting, Dr. Khan summarized some. limited updates:

  • Decisions related to the division of the ‘public hospital tax’ pertaining to the CHS Clinics will not occur until ‘Fall of 2024’, after the budget is submitted
  • County Executives and UW/HMC Leadership continue to meet – no major updates expected before October 2024
  • As far as updates on affiliation with UW HMC, Dr. Khan reported, ‘we have no idea’
  • The County will continue to develop a 1-year budget for 2025
  • There will be onsite visits to discuss the work of the clinics, metrics, report outs and questions

Call to Action and Next Steps

  • Stay informed - Read all WSNA communications and status updates from the Employer
  • Engage and participate – Watch for important updates on how to support your bargaining team and fight for a fair contract. Become and remain a WSNA member to demonstrate that we are united and strong!
  • We will join Protec 17 with a shared site visit to the Eastgate PH Center on Thursday July 25 to talk with union employees, hear concerns and answer questions with the information available
  • Join the monthly Save Public Health member meeting (hosted by Protec17 – supported by WSNA) – Next meeting August 6 at noon – 1 pm

One more thing!

Thinking about retirement any time soon? Need to learn and understand what the options and processes are? Use the links below to register for classes designed just for that purpose. It is never too early to plan.


Questions about this communication? Contact Nurse Representative Tara Barnes at tbarnes@wsna.org.