
Important news about health care benefits negotiations!

WSNA is a member of the Joint Labor-Management Insurance Committee. Bargaining health care benefits with other JLMIC Unions, we have reached a tentative agreement regarding health care benefits for 2019-2020 through the county. There are several positive changes and no takeaways, beginning January 1, 2019.

Health care premiums: Zero premium cost-share will be imposed upon you. Increases, projected to be 5.5% in 2019, will be paid from the Protected Fund Reserve.

Vision Plan Enhancement: Hardware (frames and contact lenses) allowance will increase to $200 every 24 months, up from $130 every 24 months.

Copays apply to out-of-pocket maximum: Emergency room and prescription copays will apply to out-of-pocket maximum; emergency room out-of-network copay will be $100, same as in-network copay.

Early retiree subsidy will return: This will be reinstated as follows for JLMIC-eligible employees who retire from county service:

  • You must meet the county’s definition of retirement;
  • You will retire in 2019-2020;
  • If you retired prior to 2019 and have not had a lapse in medical coverage;
  • Retiree is not eligible for Medicare.

The Early-Retiree subsidy rate will be calculated as follows: The difference between the COBRA rate and unsubsidized Kaiser Retiree and Spouse medical premium rate. Early retirees can apply the subsidy to any available plan (HMO or PPO) and for appropriate plan tier: Retiree only, Retiree and Spouse, Retiree and Child(ren), Retiree and Full Family.

Short-term disability (STD) improvement: This is 100% employee paid. There will be a 14-day waiting period and the benefit period is 90 days. The benefit amount is 60% of salary up to $1,500 maximum weekly benefit. You may now sign up for STD at any time during your employment and there is a 60-day benefit waiting period for sickness and pregnancy claims. The 60-day waiting period applies within the first 12 months of being insured. Employees are given the choice to use sick leave instead of filing for STD disability. If sick leave is used, STD will not be paid while an employee is eligible for sick leave.

Long-Term Disability (LTD) improvement: The JLMIC will fund 100% of the increased cost of the LTD plan that has an elimination period of 90 days for JLMIC eligible employees. The current plan has a 180-day elimination period. The benefit amount will be 60% of the employee’s salary, up to a maximum monthly amount of $7,200. This is an improvement of the current LTD plan which had a maximum of $6,000.

For any questions, please contact WSNA Nurse Rep Hanna Welander at hwelander@wsna.org or (206) 575-7979, ext. 3035.