What do we want? A fair contract!
Posted Aug 9, 2022
When do we want it? Now!

Over 1350 nurses and our supporters showed up and got loud for our picket today! It was an amazing, energetic, inspiring show of solidarity and power. We are a force.
We are back at the bargaining table on August 10, 11 and 15. We continue to hope for the best as we plan for the worst.
Save the Date!
If we are unable to secure a fair and just contract after Monday, we will be holding a vote of no confidence in Dr. Sperring and beginning our strike assessments on Wednesday, August 17. Details TBD.
Wear your blue. Stay strong, stay loud, stay united.
Follow us on Facebook (Nursing Strong Seattle Childrens RNs) and Instagram (WSNA@SCH)
In Solidarity,
Your negotiating team: Co-Chair Edna Cortez, PACU; Co-Chair Kara Yates, Medical Unit; Grievance Officer Diane Gates, PICU; Secretary/Treasurer Lindsey Kirsch, Urgent Care; Grievance Officer Erin Doyle, PATCH; Grievance Officer Samantha Lake, Operating Room; Katie Podobnik, Ambulatory; Sarah Munro, Bellevue Surgery Center; Shaina Lawson, NICU; Stefanie Chandos, ED; Annika Hoogesteraat, CVICU
Please contact Travis Elmore Nelson, WSNA Nurse Rep at telmore@wsna.org or 206-575-7979 ext. 3117 with questions or to find out what you can do to get a fair contract!