We are gearing up for negotiations!
Posted Jan 10, 2022
There were a lot of RNs who expressed interest in being a part of the 2022 contract bargaining team. Your union officers thoughtfully selected a team representative of the majority of the nurses in your bargaining unit. Meet the team members below.
We want you to start thinking about contract bargaining now. It is imporÂtant that we get huge particÂiÂpaÂtion from this starting point and throughout the entire negotiÂaÂtion process in order to get the best possible contract.
Please take the time to take the survey and don’t stop there! You can actively particÂiÂpate now by getting every SCH nurse you know to take it too. Our power and strength come from all of us united and working together for the same goal. (Plan to take the survey when you have 10 minutes because you may not be able to save it and come back later if you do not finish.)
Use this QR code to share the survey with your RN colleagues. We look forward to reading each and every survey response!

The best way to get better benefits is to strengthen your union. The best way to strengthen your union is to take part in it.
We have a plan to win at the bargaining table and every nurse is a part of that plan. You can get active now by joining our Communication & Action Team (CAT). The CAT is comprised of union activists who will communicate to their colleagues under the direction of the officers throughout the bargaining process to promote member involvement in support of the bargaining team. To join the CAT, email WSNA nurse rep Sydne James, sjames@wsna.org.
Drumroll please! Your 2022 contract bargaining team: