Important updates for you
Posted Nov 22, 2021
Recent FAQs
Q: What happened with the results of the recent RN Appreciation Survey?
A: WSNA and hospital leadership are working on a joint communication to share more results of this survey and hospital plans based on responses. In the meantime, you can read the full RN survey results.
Q: How is seniority defined/determined?
A: All FTE RNs accumulate seniority (per diems do not) based on hours worked from most recent date of hire. Thus, if you work a 0.9 FTE and started working the same day as a 0.75 FTE RN, you would earn more seniority. This language was agreed to by the nurses and the employer. If you move to a per diem status, your seniority is restored if you transition back to an FTE status.
Q: Why is it an unexcused absence if I am late to work due to traffic?
A: The employer’s policy on tardiness is standard among all hospitals in the Seattle area. Employees are expected to arrive ready to work at their shift start time. If you are tardy due to an unforeseeable traffic incident and are disciplined for this, contact a WSNA officer or your WSNA nurse rep to discuss.
Q: Why must we meet our FTE each week rather than per pay period or per scheduling period?
A: We have informed leadership that nurses want more flexibility in scheduling and the are looking into seeing if this is doable.
Another survey?
Yes! We know you are tired of surveys. But this is the most important survey the nurses take every three years.
Your contract, or CBA (collective bargaining agreement) expires July 31, 2022. Earlier this year you may have completed a “pre-survey survey.” Your responses helped us to know what questions to ask in this longer survey, which is a vital step in preparing for our contract negotiations. We must know your issues and concerns before we start negotiating. It is also important that we get huge participation from this starting point and throughout the entire negotiation process in order to get the best possible contract.
Please take the time to take the survey now and don’t stop there! You can actively participate now by getting every SCH nurse you know to take it too. Our power and strength come from all of us united and working together for the same goal. (Plan to take the survey when you have 10 minutes because you may not be able to save it and come back later if you do not finish.)
Use this QR code to share the survey with your RN colleagues. We look forward to reading each and every survey response!

Time Away Program
We have heard from some nurses that you have questions about the hospital’s Time Away program and how it compares to your current leave benefits. You might find this information helpful when answering questions on the negotiation survey. WSNA may not have an answer for your particular question. We only know what was proposed to nurses in 2019. Note that while the hospital included RNs in recognizing the Juneteenth holiday in 2021, they have not yet agreed to observe this holiday for nurses moving forward, under your current leave program.

Current sick leave: You accrue 96 hours per year based on 1.0 FTE, maximum accrual of 576 hrs. There is no short-term disability.
Use: Once you have used your accrued sick leave, use annual leave if needed, then additional time absent is unpaid by SCH. You may qualify for WA PFML benefits. After 90 days, long-term disability covers 60% of your pay (subject to approval).
Time Away Sick Leave: You would accrue 80 hours per year based on 1.0 FTE, no max accrual but maximum carry over each plan year is 120 hours.
Use: You would use accrued sick time (or another bank if no sick time) to cover the first 5 full scheduled work days or first 7 calendar days, whichever occurs first. Short-term disability then provides either 70% or 85% of your pay (depending on date of hire) up to the 90th day. Remaining 15% or 30% of pay is supplemented with available accrued time away. You may also qualify for WA PFML benefits. After 90 days, long-term disability covers 60% of your pay (subject to approval).
Based on the employer’s proposal three years ago: The normal plan year for Time Away is March-February.
Questions? Contact WSNA Nurse Representative Sydne James at