Bargaining information - A bargaining team member speaks out!
Posted Jun 24, 2022

Diane Gates is a PICU nurse at SCH. She currently serves as a grievance officer and is a member of the bargaining team. She has this message to share with you:
“I've been a nurse for 37 years, all of which have been at Seattle Children's. The other night in the PICU, we had 30 nurses... other than the 3 Charge Nurses, I was one of 4 core; the rest were travelers. This is not a rare occurrence and happens more often than not. There have been nights where there were only 2 or 3 core. I believe that safety is being compromised and the standard of care is decreasing. Not because we don't have good travelers - most are, but what has been lost is that synergistic energy that comes from a group of people who have a history, who know and trust each other and have a shared commitment; where our whole is much greater than the sum of our parts."
- Ask a bargaining team member if you need a window sign and please sign our petition! We strongly encourage nurses find a unit rep or bargaining team member to sign the petition physically. The digital petition may also be signed, but we are asking that non-WSNA members primarily use the digital version.
- Petition Signatures are DUE on June 26, 2022 because…
- On June 28, 2022, we will be delivering the signed petitions to CEO Jeff Sperring! We will be gathering at 1000 outside of the river entrance. Contact Edna Cortez or WSNA Organizer Tara Barnes at to join!
- On July 6 from 1700-2100 we will have a union meeting! This meeting will be casual and drop in. We hope to have a hybrid format available…. Details to come!
- We have set August 9, 2022 as our date for an INFORMATIONAL PICKET at the hospital! It’s time that community members and elected officials know what we know…. Nurses are not being respected and too many nurses feel that staffing levels are often not safe at the hospital!
- “Sip and Chat” Sundays are here! While we are in negotiations, bargaining team members will be hosting informal virtual meetings with WSNA members on Sundays from 1930-2130. Click the button to join via Microsoft Teams or call in (206) 485-2614; Passcode: 171330812#”
- Follow us on Facebook (Nursing Strong Seattle Childrens RNs) and Instagram (WSNA@SCH)
In Solidarity,
Your negotiating team: Co-Chair Edna Cortez, PACU; Co-Chair Kara Yates, Medical Unit; Grievance Officer Diane Gates, PICU; Secretary/Treasurer Lindsey Kirsch, Urgent Care; Grievance Officer Erin Doyle, PATCH; Grievance Officer Samantha Lake, Operating Room; Katie Podobnik, Ambulatory; Sarah Munro, Bellevue Surgery Center; Shaina Lawson, NICU; Stefanie Chandos, ED; Annika Hoogesteraat, CVICU
Please contact Travis Elmore Nelson, WSNA Nurse Rep at or 206-575-7979 ext. 3117 with questions or to find out what you can do to get a fair contract!