Newsletter - January 2022
Posted Jan 3, 2022
Important update highlights
In this issue:
- Incentive Pay and Night Shift Incentive MOUs
- New Officer Updates
- Next Local Unit Meeting: Jan. 25
- LUL (Local Unit Liaison) Campaign Kickoff Training
- Traveler RN/Floating Order Updates
- Committee Updates
- Grievance Corner
Shift Incentive Pay and Temporary Night Shift Incentive MOUs
Update from your WSNA Local Unit Officers
To reach a WSNA Local Unit Officer at any time, leave a message on Voice Tel and one will return your call – 1-866-305-5612.
On Dec. 15, management indicated that they would like to move forward in extending both the Incentive Pay and Temporary Shift Assignment MOUs to Feb. 28. Their initial proposal was an extension of the current MOUs as they stand, including the 40% surge pay incentive.
We felt that was too low. We continue to see critical staffing shortages in the tower, ICUs, and the East and West additions, with units anywhere from 3-6 nurses short. We have heard from travel nurses they are receiving triple our pay, and we have heard of management receiving large sums in bonuses and shift incentives.
We submitted a counterproposal of 55% to Sacred Heart. In the course of the last few months, we realized that:
- Nurses can pick up call shifts on certain units, and while they can’t stack surge pay on top of their call premium, they still make time-and-a-half (which is more than 40%). Nurses have found by signing up for a call shift, they earn more money. In addition, some units are not able to avail themselves of this option, which decreases the pull of picking up extra. Despite call pay being an option to some units, they remain short-staffed.
- We have found the incentive to pick up extra shifts to full-time nurses is greater than that of part-time. We felt strongly that the MOU should do a better job at incentivizing part-time RNs as well, who only receive the 40% increase with incentive eligible extra shifts, and not the higher overtime rate that full-time RNs receive.
- We are the backbone of the hospital; we ensure patient care continues safely and feel that by giving managers and ANMs extra pay for extra shifts does not make a palpable dent in our true staffing crisis. We feel that setting sights on the bargaining unit nurses, however, does.
We outlined this rationale to management, emphasizing the staffing shortage, and that we all want better staffing. We felt we can work together to plug gaps; if the current MOU is leaving gaps, other options may need exploration. We received a reply from management maintaining their current proposal of 40%, our arguments fell on deaf ears.
Just prior to Christmas, we countered, reiterating that we needed time to deliberate, as nurses were indicating 40% still was not a great enough incentive; we emphasized we were open to further discussion on how to better motivate nurses to pick up. While we held our own internal officer discussions, this extra time allowed them the holiday to reconsider.
Having not heard back from management on Dec. 28, we again sent a communication strongly stating that 50% would be a better incentive, especially in light of a possible foreseeable Omicron surge in patients, and a likely staffing shortage due to staff being excluded from work. On Dec. 29 a reply was given, indicating to us that 40% was going to be the final resting number on this current MOU due to the amount of time it would take to consider anything more by them. Of note, they also mentioned their mutual goal is to ensure that they provide a benefit for the nurses to acknowledge their hard work and sacrifice. We intend to continue to hold management accountable to stand by this statement in deed. We want everyone to remember this.
We are aware that critical staffing shortages are indeed everywhere, and it is insulting to be offered such low amounts for all the enormous work and risk we have experienced in the last two years – especially in light of the fact that we see greater pay being implemented outside of our bargaining unit. To not further the staffing shortages with an expired MOU, and with great reluctance and reservations, your executive officer team voted amongst themselves to renew the MOUs with some slight additions memorializing current practice.
We realize that 40% is not enough. We know that this is a difficult time for all and realize how exhausting these past two years have been. Further discussion needs to be had with you all regarding how the next few months will play out, and how you all can make an impact by becoming involved and lending your voice to call for change.
Therefore, we will be having a Local Unit Meeting on Jan. 25 at the Shadle Park Library (see dates and location below). If you wish to be a voice and participate in any possible actions or decisions on the next potential MOU renewal after Feb. 28, we invite you to come join us.
In summary: The MOUs have been extended to Feb. 28. Please reach out to us if there are any issues surrounding surge pay problems, night shift incentive bonus issues, and with any questions. We encourage you all to read the MOUs in their entiretyso that everyone is familiar with the language.
Wins and new language additions to the recently renewed MOUs
- Both MOUs now have language guaranteeing pay on the next paycheck following the completion of the nurse’s assignment. This ensures your pay will not be delayed!
- For the Shift Incentive MOU, language protecting nurses’ incentive pay if they have preapproved PTO during the pay period in which they work their eligible extra shift.
- Shift Incentive applies to all inpatient units.
Retention Bonus Updates
We continue to push on management to consider retention bonuses for all RN staff. Thus far, no information has been forthcoming on whether management has been actively considering this or not despite multiple asks. We feel that retention bonuses are both deserved and would help improve the staffing crisis.

More Important New Officer Updates
As we move into the winter, there is lots of information to give you all. First, thank you for all your amazing and brave work this holiday season, in light of staffing difficulties, COVID policies, and more. You all are amazing, and we are so proud to be with you.
An exciting announcement: We welcome Wendy McNairy RN (Psych ED) (not pictured) to the Officer Team as Secretary, and Jessica Lewellen RN (AGPU) (pictured) as our new Member-At-Large! Thank you both for stepping out and joining the team. We are excited to have you!

Next Local Unit Meeting: Jan. 25
This will be in-person at the Shadle Park Library, with meetings at 0830 – 0930, 1330 – 1430, 1600 – 1700, with a virtual meeting from 2000-2100 (link coming soon). We are getting nearer to negotiations, which begin this coming fall, so start preparing by joining us and learning how to get involved. We also want to discuss our path forward regarding the staffing crisis we are all experiencing. If we want to have an impact, we all need to unite and become involved and organized.
Address: 2111 W Wellesley Ave, Spokane, WA 99205

LUL (Local Unit Liaison) Campaign Kickoff Training
Our first Local Unit Liaison training is scheduled for Jan. 25, from 10 a.m. to noon, at the Shadle Park Library. Parking is free, and a t-shirt is your gift for coming! Please reach out to Will Nesper at to find out more. And bring a friend - the more LULs we get trained up, the stronger we become. Use the link to view the LUL invite from Alyssa Boldt, Co-Chair.
Traveler RN/Floating Order Updates
We have heard from management that in the current round of travelers, this agency is to float first if a unit is overstaffed. Management has assured us that house-wide communication has gone to managers and ANMs regarding this practice, so please reach out to us if this is not the case.
Committee Updates
Workplace Violence Committee
Your WPV Committee meets monthly. Here are some highlights from their last meeting.
- Caregiver recognition of violence has increased, and there has been an increase in use of the red cap reporting system – well done!
- Lateral violence (employee against employee) is still a concern and interest for other workplace violence groups in the hospital and is under discussion.
- Watch for the Spring 2022 workplace violence survey - will be coming out in March or April
- Yearly total: 494 workplace violence issues
- Denying any severe injuries this year against staff
- New surveillance video system inside the hospital in 2022, Holy Family as well
- AGPU will not be affected
- Updates to checking for firearms and drugs/contraband for security:
- Security is starting a chain of custody and documentation
- Process to dispose of narcotics properly
- Evade Courses are ongoing (10 people per class), and available to all nurses (required for psych and ED only)
- Push for increasing education on CIWA and COWS for staff
- Concerns in regards to 8th tower and violence from TBI patients and overload of patient load
- Did not receive a solution to this concern from management. If an 8th floor nurse would like to come to a meeting and speak about their concerns with this issue, that would pique management’s interest more.
Conclusion from WPV:
“If any of you have workplace violence concerns, be they general or specific, please let Jessica Lewellen or Sarah Bailey be made known. We can bring it up at the next meeting and increase pressure on management to do something about it.”
Staffing Committee
Your SC has been actively pushing on management to do more to resolve our Assignment Despite Objection (Staffing Analysis) forms. To date, “resolution” has meant that it was reviewed by the Staffing Committee and the nurse who filled the form out was responded to by management, but usually no active solutions to the staffing complaint have been implemented. Staffing Committee is working on changing this by applying more pressure to management to improve conditions for staff.
Nurse Practice Committee
Has to date been cancelled due to COVID priorities.
Delegate to the Spokane Labor Council
- Labor to neighbor update 400+ doors knocked on with 135 conversations
- Talked about the redistricting map to 5 areas. Just over 107,000 in each area. 2 districts that are mainly Republican, 2 districts that lean Democrat and the last that will swing either way.
- We talked about the use of Facebook and social media for political posts
- Multiple donations to various charities like meals on wheels and 2nd Harvest.
- Election of officers for the e-board
- Redistricting maps are close to being approved
- Jessica Lewellen was approved to be a part of their elected board again for another 2 years. Congratulations to Jessica!

Grievance Corner
Darryl Johnson RN, BSN WSNA Grievance Officer (pictured)
Association Group Grievance - Nagahiro and All Affected. Grieving article 8.4 (Overtime), and Overtime MOU.
- This grievance was filed for the issue of Sacred Heart not paying the overtime rate when physical hours worked, totaled more than 40 for the week. Sacred Heart believes that if a nurse is called in on call back, then those callback hours that were paid at the overtime rate, can then be subtracted from the weekly total. We are not in agreement with this concept. This grievance is at Step 3.
Association Group Grievance - Taylor and All Affected. Grieving article 3 (Equal Employment Opportunity)
- This grievance was filed because only those nurses who sought a medical or religious exemption from the COVID vaccine, were required to attest to certain language in order for their form to be received by Management. We believe, the attestation language is invasive, and some aspects of it are not factual. Sacred Heart believes the attestation langue is based on facts. We also feel the requirement is discriminatory and creates an environment for disparate treatment. This grievance is at Step 4.
Association Group Grievance - Chessar and All Affected. Grieving article 8 (Hours of Work) and 7.3 (Callback)
- This grievance was filed because Sacred Heart was not willing to pay the overtime rate, for hours past 80 in a workweek when a nurse works callback. Sacred Heart believes that if a nurse is called in on call back, then those hours that were paid at the overtime rate, can be subtracted from the weekly total. We are not in agreement with this concept. This grievance has been advanced to Arbitration. The date for the Arbitration hearing has been set for Feb. 2, 2022.
Association Group Grievance - South and All Affected. Grieving article 10 (Paid Time Off)
- This grievance was filed because Management in the Adult ED, was not following the correct process for how time off was to be approved or denied. According to the contract, article 10.5, Management is to reach out to part time and supplemental nurses first to seek ability to work, prior to denying a time off request. This grievance has been processed through Step 4 and is now being held in abeyance until June 28, 2022. The purpose is to work with management to make sure that a fair process is being implemented evenhandedly for all floors and to ensure the language is being followed. If you feel this error is still occurring to you, reach out to Jaclyn Smedley Nurse Rep via email. We would like to gather information for the upcoming meetings so we can point out where the gaps are still occurring to Management.
Association Group Grievance - Skok and All Affected. Grieving article 7.6 (Charge Nurse Premium)
- This grievance was filed because nurses felt they were doing the duties of the charge nurse but were not being paid the charge nurse premium. This grievance is at Step 2.
Association Group Grievance - Whitley and All Affected. Grieving article 9.12.1 (Inter Unit Floating) and 9.14 (Orientation/Inservice Education)
- This grievance was filed because the nurses in the PACU were being asked to take care of patients who were outside of their Clinical Float Group. Despite this clear violation, they were also not being trained prior to the assignments. This grievance is at Step 2.
Association Group Grievance - Mikhailenko and All Affected. Grieving article 3 (Equal Employment Opportunity)
- This grievance was filed because only those nurses who sought to be exempt from the flu vaccine were required to attest to certain language in order for their form to be received by Management. We believe, the attestation language is invasive, and some aspects of it are not factual. Sacred Heart believes the attestation langue is based on facts. We also feel the requirement is discriminatory and creates an environment for disparate treatment. This grievance is at Step 2.
Association Group Grievance - Miller and All Affected. Grieving article 13 (Health Benefits)
- This grievance was filed because nurses who live in Idaho are no longer eligible for certain medical plans as a result of Providences new changes to their health benefits structure. This grievance is at Step 1.
(Individual grievances that are being processed for a nurse are not stated here. The summary pertains only to Association Group Grievances where the remedy sought applies to all affected nurses in the WSNA bargaining unit).
Contacts to know
To get a full list of WSNA Officer, Committee, Nurse Rep, or Nurse Organizer contacts download the list from the document library above or by using the link below.